Air Quality Plans and Policies#
Air Quality Plan#
The 2019 update to the Air Quality Plan is meant to be a guiding document for City of Fort Collins policies and programs that support the protection of public health and the environment through improvement in outdoor and indoor air quality.

Air Quality Vision: A community that is vigilant about protecting the quality of air we breathe and continually strives to improve it.
Air Quality Plan Mission: To protect human health and the environment through continuous improvements in air quality.

Climate Action Goals
- Reduce carbon emissions by 20% below 2005 levels by 2020
- Reduce carbon emissions by 80% below 2005 levels by 2030
- Achieve carbon neutrality by 2050
Previous Air Quality Plans and Policies#
- 2019 Air Quality Plan (5.3MB)
- 2011 Air Quality Plan (2.4MB)
- 2004 Air Quality Plan (1.8MB)
- 2000-2003 Air Quality Action Plan (233KB)
- 1999 Air Quality Action Plan (142KB)
- 1996-1998 Air Quality Action Plan (118KB)