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Electric Lawn and Garden Equipment Incentives#

Residential Customers#

In 2024, the State of Colorado passed legislation offering a tax incentive to participating retailers for point-of-sale discounts on qualifying electric equipment. In previous years, the City implemented and supported various other programs to incentivize replacement of gas-powered landscaping equipment with electric alternatives. Though these incentive programs have ended, the new State program will continue offering money saving options for making the switch to electric.

What the State legislation means for you:

  • 30% off retail on the following electric equipment
    • Lawnmowers
    • Leaf blowers
    • Snow blowers
    • String trimmers/weed whips
  • Participating Fort Collins Retailers:
    • The Home Depot—both Fort Collins locations
    • Ace Hardware—downtown and Harmony locations
    • JAX Farm and Ranch—North Highway 287
    • More retailers may choose to participate than currently listed, please check with your favorite store before your visit
  • No trade-in of gas-powered equipment necessary as was previously required for other incentive programs.

For more information visit:

Commercial Contractors#

The State of Colorado recently passed new rules (CDPHE—Air Quality Control Commission, Regulation 29 This link opens in a new browser tab) restricting the use of handheld/push gas-powered equipment for public entities and their contractors within the Denver Metro/North Front Range ozone non-attainment area during “ozone season”, June 1 through August 31, beginning in 2025. 

Fort Collins is in an ozone nonattainment area, meaning ground-level ozone concentrations often exceed U.S. Environmental Protection Agency health-risk based standards. 

To aid commercial contractors in electrifying their fleet of equipment, grants are available through the Regional Air Quality Council (RAQC), This link opens in a new browser tab.   

Visit the RAQC's Commercial Mow Down Pollution Program This link opens in a new browser tab


To participate in the State’s tax incentive program for point-of-sale discounts on qualifying electric landscaping equipment, you must apply with the Colorado Department of Revenue. For more information and how to apply, please visit the Department’s website.

Visit the CO Department of Revenue's website This link opens in a new browser tab

Why Is This Important?#

Gas-powered landscaping equipment emissions are a significant contributor to local air pollution. In 2024, City Council identified reducing climate and air pollution through electrification as a priority. Electrification is the term used to describe the transition from fossil fuel reliant equipment and products to electricity powered alternatives. Electrification of landscaping equipment also aligns with Our Climate Future, the City’s plan for addressing local contributors to, and impacts from, climate change. Electric landscaping equipment when compared to gas-powered equipment has no local emissions, is generally less noisy, vibrates less, requires less maintenance, and doesn’t require use or storage of volatile liquids such as gasoline. All of which reduces the user’s exposure to harmful fumes, vibration, and noise.