Building Inspections#
Inspection delays March 3rd - March 7th
Due to required annual training, building services will have a reduction of staff for the week of March 3rd- March 7th. During this period you may experience delays on:
- Permitting
- Plan review
- Project close-out processing
- Inspection requests - Our ability to do inspections will be limited. If you are able to postpone your inspection until the following week, it would be greatly appreciated.
We will be communicating with those we serve daily to address these delays. Thank you for your understanding and patience while we provide this valuable training to our team.
A rental investigation inspection is intended for current residential or commercial tenants who have concerns related to building code, life safety and items that fall under the adopted International Property Maintenance Code of the space currently being leased/rented. If you would like us to perform a free rental investigation inspection please follow these steps:
- Download and fill out:
- Email the form to:
- After receiving the form an inspector will reach out to schedule an appointment with the occupying tenant who is currently leasing the space and requesting the inspection.
Inspection results do not nullify or alter the signed lease/legal agreements between landlords and tenants. Inspection results may require improvements to be made in accordance with the International Property Maintenance Code and local amendments. Addition resources for landlords and tenants are available through Neighborhood Services.
Requesting necessary inspections is the responsibility of the contractor or homeowner. To receive final approval/ completion status for your project, scheduled inspections must be performed by City staff or an approved 3rd party "special inspector." There are different types of Inspections which occur at various phases in a project to assure compliance with building codes.
When selecting AM/PM time slots:
- Homeowners: can expect an inspector to arrive during the selected window.
- Contractors: are not guaranteed a specific time slot
Time slot window Inspector arrival time AM 8am - 12pm (noon) PM 12pm (noon) - 4pm -
1. Only schedule an inspection when the work is ready for the type of inspection scheduled.
2. Approved plans are the field set, and must be provided on site for inspection and construction.
- Download the Approved plans from Citizen Portal.
- Instructions
- No Approved Plans = No inspection
3. Providing access and means for inspections, including:
- Components to be inspected must be readily visible and not concealed or permanently covered.
- Provide readily available access to the work to be inspected by temporary stairs, ladder, or other necessary means to perform the inspection.
An inspector will verify that the work being done conforms to the various codes, regulations, laws, and ordinances applicable to that job. The inspector will also check to ensure the work agrees with the approved set of plans issued with the permit.
New State Requirement Effective January 1st 2020: Inspector verification of plumbing and electrical licenses in the field.
If your design needs to change due to unexpected field conditions, owner changes, or other reasons, (after plans have been reviewed), submit a revision.
If a project does not show as "completed" in citizen access, it means that it is not finished.
- You may need to schedule an inspection or turn in a document to a specific department.
Building Inspector Phone E-Mail Jacob Hoffman 970-829-2319 Buddy Lynn 970-829-2255 Tom Cushman 970-413-0846 James Warren 970-413-0887 Tony Bermudez 970-413-0634 Bruce Pearman 970-413-0900 Gordon Winner 970-817-4644 Eddie Lallak 970-657-9934 Rick Hobbs 970-413-1042 Shea Cutrell 970-776-6304 Jeff Hauck 970-657-6815
Schedule An Inspection#
3 Options:
- Online: Citizen Portal
- Text: 888-406-6394
- Call: 970-221-6769 and follow the prompts.
NOTE: Inspection Codes can be found in the Scheduling Guide link below.
Unless another day is specifically requested, inspection requests are performed the following workday if scheduled before 11 PM. All inspections scheduled on Fridays will be scheduled for the following Monday.
Inspection Types#
Light and Power will inspect temporary power sets after a meter socket can, disconnect, and ground fault protected receptacles are placed on the building site. The permit for the temporary power set is included with the building permit.
This is done after the footing has been formed and any reinforcing steel is installed, but prior to the placement of concrete. Any prescribed below-grade insulation must also be in place.
This is done after the foundation walls have been formed and the reinforcing steel is installed, but also prior to placement of concrete. Any prescribed below-grade insulation must also be in place.
This is done after the underground or under slab plumbing is installed but prior to its being covered. (Water test or five psi air test is required).
This is done when the building sewer (that portion of the drainage system from two feet outside the building to public sewer) is installed, and prior to its being covered.
This is done when the water service piping from the City stop valve to the building is in its place and prior to its being covered. A water test if couplings are used.
The water meter setting must pass inspection before the Certificate of Occupancy or a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy can be issued.
This is done prior to applying the weather barrier/building wrap, and siding to ensure the sheathing is installed correctly for structural purposes. Once this inspection is passed, the building can be dried-in. Note: Citizen Access workflow will show this inspection as "incomplete" with details of the passing sheathing inspection. A second rough frame inspection will need to be scheduled at a later time (See #15 below).
This shall be made after gas piping, fittings, unions, and valves authorized by the permit have been installed and before any such piping has been covered or concealed or any fixture or appliance has been attached thereto. (A 10 psi air test is required).
This is done after the above ground plumbing (water and drainage piping) is installed, prior to the framing inspection (water test five psi air test is required). Piping must not be covered until after the framing inspection, and where applicable, concurrent with the framing inspection.
The Electrical energize is done when the permanent meter is set. The electrical service equipment must be installed and bonded to a grounding electrode and a ground fault protected receptacle must also be installed. This inspection authorizes utilities to energize equipment when requested by the contractor for electric service to facilitate construction. All energized parts should be suitably protected against accidental contacts after they are energized.
This is done after the heating plant, vent, and duct work has been installed. This inspection should also precede or be concurrent with the framing inspection.
This is done after the premises wiring system has been installed, and it should precede or be concurrent with the framing inspection.
This is also done concurrently with the frame inspection about midway in the laying-up of a masonry fireplace while the lintel across the opening is visible and the smoke chamber can be easily seen and its wall thickness noted. For a factory built fireplace, it should be inspected after the fireplace, the chimney, the chimney framing and the fire stopping is completed, but prior to covering the shaft or fireplace framing members
This is done after the structures walls, floors, and other framing members are in place and after the exterior sheathing has been installed. Additionally, the roof must be completed to the point where the building interior can be considered to be weather protected. All of the sub-systems such as plumbing, mechanical, and electrical must be inspected prior to the installation of wallboard, interior sheathing and insulation. Residential buildings must comply with the "Residential Air Sealing Checklist".
After approval of the framing inspection, insulation may be installed. Prior to the installation of wallboard, an insulation inspection is required which will verify proper R values, air sealing, insulation fire blocking, and general workmanship as required in the Fort Collins Energy Code.
This is done after all work shown on the approved plans has been completed
Notice To Building Permit Holders, Expiration and Extensions#
Please be advised under Fort Collins City Code, the building permit holder is responsible for the following.
1. Following the options listed above, schedule an inspection when the project is ready for inspection.
2. Providing access and means for inspections, including:
- Ensuring the items scheduled for inspection are readily visible and are not concealed or permanently covered; and
- Ensuring access to the location of inspection is readily available by temporary stairs, ladder, or other necessary means to perform the inspection.
Maintaining the permit on active status to avoid expiration:
Every permit issued shall become invalid unless the work authorized by such permit has commenced within 180 days after its issuance, or if the period between inspections exceeds 180 days.
The Building Official is authorized to grant one or more extensions, for periods of not more than 180 days each. The extension shall be requested in writing and demonstrate justifiable cause.
Final inspections and all department approvals are required prior to occupancy. Violations and penalties are subject to Sections 5-29 and I-15; Code of the City of Fort Collins.