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Revision = Applicant initiated (after a reviewer has OK'd their task in citizen access). 

  • Example :  After permit is issued and construction begins, the owner changes their mind and wants different layout, a new window or needs to alter the design due to unforeseen site conditions.

Resubmittal Requested = Staff initiated

  • Example: a 'revision' is submitted due to unforeseen site conditions, but the proposed revision does not meet code, so a plans examiner asks that the plans be re-submitted with corrections so that the revision can be approved.

Resubmittal = Applicants response/corrections to a 'resubmittal requested'


Why do I need to submit a revision?#

  1. Historic records:  If changes are not clearly documented it will appear as though work was done without a permit and/or may require additional permits in the future.
  2. Code implications: Even small changes can have major code impacts. (i.e. switching from tables and chairs to booth seating in a restaurant will impact the occupant load calculations which can impact the exiting system and the number or restrooms required; changing the mechanical system or window types in a new house could impact the approved energy documents).
  3. Fee impacts: Changing the scope of work to more or less can impact permit fees and taxes. 
  4. Contractor licensing impact: An added scope of work can require different contractor license. (i.e. if the scope of work changes to include structural framing or adding an electrician, the permit tech team will need to verify the new subcontractors added to the project are locally licensed and insured. 
  5. Impact to other departments: changes can also have other implications to other reviewing departments.

No, inspections cannot be scheduled while a revision is under review. Inspections are paused until the revisions and permit are re-issued.

We recommend scheduling critical inspections (not associated with the revision) prior to submitting a revision.

No, a fully complete and full new version of the document set with the changes needs to be submitted. 

  • Currently our permit system does not allow for slip sheets (i.e. the permit system does not replace individual sheets).
  • See instructions below
  • Standard times for building code review and zoning review are 14 calendar days.
  • Please contact other departments that may be effected by the revisions:

Your plan reviewer's name is noted on your approved plans set.

  • Russ (supervisor): 
    • Bob: 
    • Katy: 
    • Marq: 
    • Wes: 


1. Download the approved, or the most current document set from citizen access that needs to be revised.

2. Only revise document sets that are being altered/changed.

3. Retain red-line comments/mark-ups that were added by City of Fort Collins if present. (do not flatten City comments). 

4. Replace, add, or delete sheets where needed in the set.

  • Replaced and added sheets cannot have working comments from the applicant/design team (new sheets must be flattened)

5. Cloud/bubble/delta and/or clearly indicated what is changing on the new pages. Reserve the color RED for City staff comments.

6. Rename the plan set with the next version number. (view citizen access to see what the next version needs to be. If most current set is v2, then submit as v3).

  • Name each document correctly:  Instructions
    • Example:  Plans - 1234 Example Street - v3
    • Example: Mech Docs - 1234 Example Street - v3
    • Example: Site Plan - 1234 Example Street - v3

7. Fill out the Revision Form. Save the form and name re-name it: 

  • Letter - The Project Address – v1 (example: Letter - 1234 Example Street - v1)

9. E-mail revision form and revised documents to

10. A $50-200 fee will be assessed by plan review based on the revision and project type.



Standard times for building and zoning review are 14 calendar days. Please contact other departments that may be effected by the revisions.

NOTICE: Inspections cannot be scheduled while documents are being re-reviewed. We recommend scheduling the critical inspections (not related to the changes  prior to submitting a revision). 


Cost of applicant initiated revisions (post building plan review)
Revision size Description Cost
  • Minor layout revisions (less than 25% of the floor area is affected)Change in window type/size
  • Minor Structural revisions (changing a beam size, connections etc. where 25% or less of the structural design is changing)
  • Solar revisions (wiring/connection changes, panel layout, full solar redesign (adding battery backup interface, automatic transfer switch).
  • Significant residential layout changes (more than 25% of the floor area is affected)
  • Change of Energy Path (for new construction or additions)
  • Significant structural revisions (more than 25% of the structural design is changing)
  • Changes to the Mechanical Design (for new construction or additions)
  • Significant commercial layout changes (more than 25% of the floor area is affected)
  • Commercial Change of occupancy or different tenant
  • Increased Commercial project square footage
  • Change in a new building or addition size or orientation (only when initiated by the applicant).
