Doing Business in Fort Collins#
The Fort Collins Economic Health Office is here to help you navigate through all local resources that are available to your business.
Starting a business in Fort Collins?#

New Business Roadmap
This roadmap will walk you through everything you need to know about starting a business in Fort Collins from selecting a location to sales tax, utilities and more.

Guía Para Nuevos Negocios
Este documento le guiará a través de todo lo que necesita saber acerca de iniciar un negocio en Fort Collins, desde la selección de una ubicación hasta impuestos sobre las ventas, servicios y más.
General Business Guide#
New to Business in Fort Collins? Start Here!
This guide provides a general overview of the steps to start your business. Not all steps may apply to your situation, but the goal is to give you a comprehensive framework to navigate your journey. Adapt the information to fit the unique needs of your business.
1. Ideation and Research#
- Identify business idea and concepts.
- Use resources to help you create a business plan and receive business guidance and consulting if necessary:
Multicultural Business and Entrepreneur Center (MBEC)- Provides bilingual (Spanish & English) general business support, permit and licensing navigation and connects you to resources tailored to your specific needs. Make an appointment with the MBEC here or connect with one of our business connectors.
- Edgar Ramos (Spanish & English).
- Leisha Talley (English only).
- Tomas Meritt (Spanish & English).
- For general business inquiries, contact our Multicultural Business and Entrepreneur Center team at
- Larimer Small Business Development Center (SBDC)- Provides comprehensive and targeted consulting, training, and workshops to businesses from: ideation to business exit planning. Their educational training pillars includes startup fundamentals, marketing know- how, financial literacy and strategic business planning. Consulting is free and confidential while clients identify action steps to move their business forward.
Poudre River Public Library District- Provides market research, business planning and assistance for businesses and nonprofits.
- Contact Amada Simental for assistance.
- City of Fort Collins Economic Health Office- Provides assistance in navigating local resources available to your business.
- A business liaison for capital projects is in place to help businesses navigate major City construction and help mitigate the impacts felt from those projects.
- Contact Michael Bussmann:
CSU Institute for Entrepreneurship- The College of Business at Colorado State University offers the "Venture Validator" program, providing free programming and mentorship to entrepreneurs and innovators. This program helps validate ideas, launch successful ventures, and build an entrepreneurial mindset, while also facilitating connections with business leaders and strategic partners to support startups.
- For more information contact Aubrey Kruse:
Multicultural Business and Entrepreneur Center (MBEC)- Provides bilingual (Spanish & English) general business support, permit and licensing navigation and connects you to resources tailored to your specific needs. Make an appointment with the MBEC here or connect with one of our business connectors.
2. Legal Formation#
MyBizColorado is the fastest way to register and manage your business. This is the official filing tool for the State of Colorado.
- Start the MyBizColorado process here.
- You will be asked a series of questions about your business to determine what type of documents you will need to file.
- If you have questions about what type of business entity you should register as, consult an accountant or attorney.
- For more assistance, visit the Larimer SBDC Events/Workshop website “Make It Official” class.
- Open a business bank account with your Employer Identification Number you obtained from the IRS.
- Consider business insurance to protect yourself and your business.
Register for a Sales Tax/Business License with the City of Fort Collins.
- The City of Fort Collins uses a Sales & Use Tax License as a Business License.
- All Brick and Mortar, Home Based Businesses, and Service-Based Businesses (e.g. a contractor that works/performs services in Fort Collins regardless if they live or have a business located in Fort Collins) are required to have a Sales & Use Tax License with the City.
- If you are operating a business from your house, you will need to apply for a Home Occupation License and submit to the City’s Development Review Center at 281 North College Avenue along with a $25 application fee. Licenses are valid for 2 years from date of insurance.
- For more information and to find out if your business is considered a “home business” visit our home business website.
- For more information visit Sales Tax and Business Licensing website or email
3. Selecting a location, where can I do business?#
This doesn’t apply to you if you’re not looking for a physical location.
To ensure proper zoning compliance, complete this form to the best of your knowledge. A planner or zoning representative will reach out to you to address your situation.
- Starting this conversation with the City before committing to a location is an important step to ensure that your business is able to legally operate in the building you choose.
- Find more information on zoning requirements.
- Start a conversation with utilities customer accounts rep to make sure your water needs comply with City requirements.
- Start these conversations early as going through this process can take time.
- Email
If you need further assistance with any of these steps and want to check if you meet all the required permits and licenses, make an appointment here with a business connector or contact the MBEC directly.
- Email
1. Ideation and Research#
- Identify business idea and concepts.
- Use resources to help you create a business plan and receive business guidance and consulting if necessary:
Multicultural Business and Entrepreneur Center (MBEC)- Provides bilingual (Spanish & English) general business support, permit and licensing navigation and connects you to resources tailored to your specific needs. Make an appointment with the MBEC here or connect with one of our business connectors.
- Edgar Ramos (Spanish & English).
- Leisha Talley (English only).
- Tomas Meritt (Spanish & English).
- For general business inquiries, contact our Multicultural Business and Entrepreneur Center team at
- Larimer Small Business Development Center (SBDC)- Provides comprehensive and targeted consulting, training, and workshops to businesses from: ideation to business exit planning. Their educational training pillars includes startup fundamentals, marketing know- how, financial literacy and strategic business planning. Consulting is free and confidential while clients identify action steps to move their business forward.
Poudre River Public Library District- Provides market research, business planning and assistance for businesses and nonprofits.
- Contact Amada Simental for assistance.
- City of Fort Collins Economic Health Office- Provides assistance in navigating local resources available to your business.
- A business liaison for capital projects is in place to help businesses navigate major City construction and help mitigate the impacts felt from those projects.
- Contact Michael Bussmann:
CSU Institute for Entrepreneurship- The College of Business at Colorado State University offers the "Venture Validator" program, providing free programming and mentorship to entrepreneurs and innovators. This program helps validate ideas, launch successful ventures, and build an entrepreneurial mindset, while also facilitating connections with business leaders and strategic partners to support startups.
- For more information contact Aubrey Kruse:
Multicultural Business and Entrepreneur Center (MBEC)- Provides bilingual (Spanish & English) general business support, permit and licensing navigation and connects you to resources tailored to your specific needs. Make an appointment with the MBEC here or connect with one of our business connectors.
2. Legal Formation#
MyBizColorado is the fastest way to register and manage your business. This is the official filing tool for the State of Colorado.
- Start the MyBizColorado process here.
- You will be asked a series of questions about your business to determine what type of documents you will need to file.
- If you have questions about what type of business entity you should register as, consult an accountant or attorney.
- For more assistance, visit the Larimer SBDC Events/Workshop website “Make It Official” class.
- Open a business bank account with your Employer Identification Number you obtained from the IRS.
- Consider business insurance to protect yourself and your business.
Register for a Sales Tax/Business License with the City of Fort Collins.
- The City of Fort Collins uses a Sales & Use Tax License as a Business License.
- All Brick and Mortar, Home Based Businesses, and Service-Based Businesses (e.g. a contractor that works/performs services in Fort Collins regardless if they live or have a business located in Fort Collins) are required to have a Sales & Use Tax License with the City.
- If you are operating a business from your house, you will need to apply for a Home Occupation License and submit to the City’s Development Review Center at 281 North College Avenue along with a $25 application fee. Licenses are valid for 2 years from date of insurance.
- For more information and to find out if your business is considered a “home business” visit our home business website.
- For more information visit Sales Tax and Business Licensing website or email
3. Licenses and Paperwork#
- Review The Larimer County Guide to Starting a Food Business.
- Identify if your food product is Cottage or Non Cottage.
- Colorado Cottage Foods Act, allows limited types of food products that are non-potentially hazardous (do not require refrigeration for safety) to be sold directly to consumers without licensing or inspections.
For Cottage Foods#
Read through this complete Cottage Foods guide and complete requirements. This includes:
- Eligible foods
- Selling Cottage Foods
- Required training and certificates
- Packaging and Labeling
- Food Testing and Laboratory Services
Contact (303) 692-3645 or email for questions and more information.
After completing these steps, move to step four if you decide to become an outdoor vendor.
For more assistance during this process and to make sure you are ready to sell email Larimer Health and Environmental department at
For Non Cottage Foods:#
Larimer Health and Environment Department
- Complete Safeserv Manager training and exam.
- Sign up for in-person classes from Larimer County Colorado State University Extension.
- Review this document to understand Food Mobile Unit Requirements.
- Complete and submit Mobile Food Establishment Plan Review application.
- Submit to the health online portal or in person at 1525 Blue Spruce Dr.
For more information and general inquiries contact
Some foods will require testing. You will be notified by Health Department what foods will need additional testing once you submit your menu and ingredients in the Mobile Food Establishment Plan Review.
Visit Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment: Food Testing for more information.
For Food Testing contact:
Chemistry (chemicals in food or water):
Specify the chemistry topic in the email subject line.
Chemistry laboratory voicemail line: 303-692-3048.
4. Poudre Fire Authority#
All mobile food vendors operating within the Poudre Fire Authority Jurisdiction must receive an annual inspection and permit from the Poudre Fire Authority.
To obtain a permit submit the Mobile Food Vendor Permit Application.
For more information on requirements and tips for success visit PFA Food Truck/Mobile Vendors website.
5. Outdoor Vendor and Choosing a Location#
- Complete the application Outdoor Vendor Checklist and Application
- Email your application to Trelene Keegan and or submit in person at 215 N Mason St.
- For all questions contact or
- Need assistance finding and verifying a Food Truck Location?
- It is essential to obtain approval for the chosen location.
- Note that "Stationary Vendor Sites" do not require additional approval and are not the sole options for food truck placement. The Outdoor Vendor Checklist has information about "Stationary Vendor Sites."
- Vending may be allowed in locations other than the Approved Stationary Vending Sites. Be sure to verify with Trelene Keegan
If you hope to vend for more than three days per week and your location is not currently one of the approved stationary vending sites, then you and the property owner need to contact Zoning to explore the minor amendment process for that location.
Contact: or 970-416-2745 for questions and more information.
Sustainability Initiatives#
Consider reaching out to NOCOBiz Connect as you embark on your entrepreneurial journey with a commitment to sustainability. Free bilingual program, supported by the City of Fort Collins, is dedicated to promoting and supporting sustainable initiatives within our business community. They offer valuable resources and guidance to help you integrate environmental and socio-economic practices into your business operations.
Email or fill out their contact form to get started.
6. Launch#
Congratulations! Your food truck is now open and ready to serve in Fort Collins. Best of luck on your new journey!
Timeline: 3-6 months—time is estimated and subject to change from project to project.
1. Ideation and Research#
- Identify business idea and concepts.
- Use resources to help you create a business plan and receive business guidance and consulting if necessary:
Multicultural Business and Entrepreneur Center (MBEC)- Provides bilingual (Spanish & English) general business support, permit and licensing navigation and connects you to resources tailored to your specific needs. Make an appointment with the MBEC here or connect with one of our business connectors.
- Edgar Ramos (Spanish & English)
- Leisha Talley (English only)
- Tomas Meritt (Spanish & English)
- For general business inquiries, contact our Multicultural Business and Entrepreneur Center team at
- Larimer Small Business Development Center (SBDC)- Provides comprehensive and targeted consulting, training, and workshops to businesses from: ideation to business exit planning. Their educational training pillars includes startup fundamentals, marketing know- how, financial literacy and strategic business planning. Consulting is free and confidential while clients identify action steps to move their business forward.
Poudre River Public Library District- Provides market research, business planning and assistance for businesses and nonprofits.
- Contact Amada Simental for assistance.
- City of Fort Collins Economic Health Office- Provides assistance in navigating local resources available to your business.
- A business liaison for capital projects is in place to help businesses navigate major City construction and help mitigate the impacts felt from those projects.
- Contact Michael Bussmann:
CSU Institute for Entrepreneurship- The College of Business at Colorado State University offers the "Venture Validator" program, providing free programming and mentorship to entrepreneurs and innovators. This program helps validate ideas, launch successful ventures, and build an entrepreneurial mindset, while also facilitating connections with business leaders and strategic partners to support startups.
- For more information contact Aubrey Kruse:
Multicultural Business and Entrepreneur Center (MBEC)- Provides bilingual (Spanish & English) general business support, permit and licensing navigation and connects you to resources tailored to your specific needs. Make an appointment with the MBEC here or connect with one of our business connectors.
2. Legal Formation#
MyBizColorado is the fastest way to register and manage your business. This is the official filing tool for the State of Colorado.
- Start the MyBizColorado process here.
- You will be asked a series of questions about your business to determine what type of documents you will need to file.
- If you have questions about what type of business entity you should register as, consult an accountant or attorney.
- For more assistance, visit the Larimer SBDC Events/Workshop website “Make It Official” class.
- Open a business bank account with your Employer Identification Number you obtained from the IRS.
- Consider business insurance to protect yourself and your business.
Register for a Sales Tax/Business License with the City of Fort Collins.
- The City of Fort Collins uses a Sales & Use Tax License as a Business License.
- All Brick and Mortar, Home Based Businesses, and Service-Based Businesses (e.g. a contractor that works/performs services in Fort Collins regardless if they live or have a business located in Fort Collins) are required to have a Sales & Use Tax License with the City.
- If you are operating a business from your house, you will need to apply for a Home Occupation License and submit to the City’s Development Review Center at 281 North College Avenue along with a $25 application fee. Licenses are valid for 2 years from date of insurance.
- For more information and to find out if your business is considered a “home business” visit our home business website.
- For more information visit Sales Tax and Business Licensing website or email
3. Selecting a Location for Your Business#
This doesn’t apply to you if you’re not looking for a physical location.
To ensure proper zoning compliance, complete this form to the best of your knowledge. A planner or zoning representative will reach out to you to address your situation.
- Starting this conversation with the City before committing to a location is an important step to ensure that your business is able to legally operate in the building you choose.
- Find more information on zoning requirements.
- Start a conversation with utilities customer accounts rep to make sure your water needs comply with City requirements.
- Start these conversations early as going through this process can take time.
- Email
Use this restaurant road map to help you navigate and understand the Development Review process.
The restaurant road map provides you with eight steps to get you started with zoning, permits, fees, assistance, processes and standards (land use rules) to get started.
If you need further assistance with any of these steps and want to check if you meet all the required permits and licenses, make an appointment here with a business connector or contact the MBEC directly.
- Email
The Utilities Business Resource Team guides you and connects you to energy and water resources for your business. They assist business customers with resources to manage their utilities.
- Create your utilities account online.
- Manage your bill.
For assistance and questions contact the Utilities Business Resource Team at 970-416-4268 or email:
Get started with our local internet service, community owned broadband service provider Connexion:
Licenses and Paperwork#
- Review The Larimer County Guide to Starting a Food Business.
- Identify if your food product is Cottage or Non Cottage.
- Colorado Cottage Foods Act, allows limited types of food products that are non-potentially hazardous (do not require refrigeration for safety) to be sold directly to consumers without licensing or inspections.
For Cottage Foods#
Read through this complete Cottage Foods guide and complete requirements. This includes:
- Eligible foods
- Selling Cottage Foods
- Required training and certificates
- Packaging and Labeling
- Food Testing and Laboratory Services
Contact (303) 692-3645 or email for questions and more information.
After completing these steps, move to step four if you decide to become an outdoor vendor.
For more assistance during this process and to make sure you are ready to sell email Larimer Health and Environmental department at
For Non-Cottage Foods:#
- Complete Servsafe Food Safety Manager training and exam.
- Submit your application Plan Review Form through the online portal, in-person at 200 W Oak St or e-mail it to
- Some foods will require testing. You will be notified by Health Department staff what foods will need testing once you submit menu and ingredients along with your application.
- After your Plan Review Form is approved by Larimer County Department of Health and Environment, you will be contacted by them to schedule your inspection. .
- Schedule an inspection with Poudre Fire Authority
- If applicable, apply for a Liquor License.
- For more Liquor inquiries for the City of Fort Collins schedule a call
- If applicable, apply here for a new liquor license.
- Once you have completed all required documents, send an email to requesting a secure link.
- After you receive a secure link, submit your application.
- After submitting your application using a secure link, make an appointment here to review your application.
Sustainability Initiatives#
Consider reaching out to NOCOBiz Connect as you embark on your entrepreneurial journey with a commitment to sustainability. A free bilingual program, supported by the City of Fort Collins, NOCOBiz Connect is dedicated to promoting and supporting sustainable initiatives within our business community. They offer valuable resources and guidance to help you integrate environmental and socio-economic practices into your business operations.
Email or fill out their contact form to get started.
1. Ideation and Research#
- Identify business idea and concepts.
- Use resources to help you create a business plan and receive business guidance and consulting if necessary:
Multicultural Business and Entrepreneur Center (MBEC)- Provides bilingual (Spanish & English) general business support, permit and licensing navigation and connects you to resources tailored to your specific needs. Make an appointment with the MBEC here or connect with one of our business connectors.
- Edgar Ramos (Spanish & English).
- Leisha Talley (English only).
- Tomas Meritt (Spanish & English).
- For general business inquiries, contact our Multicultural Business and Entrepreneur Center team at
- Larimer Small Business Development Center (SBDC)- Provides comprehensive and targeted consulting, training, and workshops to businesses from: ideation to business exit planning. Their educational training pillars includes startup fundamentals, marketing know- how, financial literacy and strategic business planning. Consulting is free and confidential while clients identify action steps to move their business forward.
Poudre River Public Library District- Provides market research, business planning and assistance for businesses and nonprofits.
- Contact Amada Simental for assistance.
- City of Fort Collins Economic Health Office- Provides assistance in navigating local resources available to your business.
- A business liaison for capital projects is in place to help businesses navigate major City construction and help mitigate the impacts felt from those projects.
- Contact Michael Bussmann:
CSU Institute for Entrepreneurship- The College of Business at Colorado State University offers the "Venture Validator" program, providing free programming and mentorship to entrepreneurs and innovators. This program helps validate ideas, launch successful ventures, and build an entrepreneurial mindset, while also facilitating connections with business leaders and strategic partners to support startups.
- For more information contact Aubrey Kruse:
Multicultural Business and Entrepreneur Center (MBEC)- Provides bilingual (Spanish & English) general business support, permit and licensing navigation and connects you to resources tailored to your specific needs. Make an appointment with the MBEC here or connect with one of our business connectors.
2. Legal Formation#
MyBizColorado is the fastest way to register and manage your business. This is the official filing tool for the State of Colorado.
- Start the MyBizColorado process here.
- You will be asked a series of questions about your business to determine what type of documents you will need to file.
- If you have questions about what type of business entity you should register as, consult an accountant or attorney.
- For more assistance, visit the Larimer SBDC Events/Workshop website “Make It Official” class.
- Open a business bank account with your Employer Identification Number you obtained from the IRS.
- Consider business insurance to protect yourself and your business.
Register for a Sales Tax/Business License with the City of Fort Collins.
- The City of Fort Collins uses a Sales & Use Tax License as a Business License.
- All Brick and Mortar, Home Based Businesses, and Service-Based Businesses (e.g. a contractor that works/performs services in Fort Collins regardless if they live or have a business located in Fort Collins) are required to have a Sales & Use Tax License with the City.
- If you are operating a business from your house, you will need to apply for a Home Occupation License and submit to the City’s Development Review Center at 281 North College Avenue along with a $25 application fee. Licenses are valid for 2 years from date of insurance.
- For more information and to find out if your business is considered a “home business” visit our home business website.
- For more information visit Sales Tax and Business Licensing website or email
3. Licenses and Paperwork#
- Determine your specific trade and what license class fits your business best. Read through descriptions of “General Contractor” and “Specialized Trade Contractor”
- General Contractor
- Specialized Trade Contractor
- Master Electrician/Plumber
- Exempt Contractor
- Once you have identified the correct license type, submit your application to the Development Review Center through email or in person:
- 281 N College Ave.
- Once you have the proper licenses and are conducting work in the City of Fort Collins, it’s important to check requirements and permits for your project:
- Contact Building Services at 970-416-2740 or email
- Check here for permit exemptions
- Contact Development Review 970-221-6689 or email
Larimer County Permits#
Larimer County permits are ONLY required if you are performing work outside of Fort Collins City limits, but inside Larimer County jurisdiction.
- To determine if property is in County jurisdiction send your inquiry on this contact form or call 970-498-7050
- You can also check if you’re within or outside city limits on City of Fort Collins GIS map
For all general and specialized licenses and applications visit Larimer County's Contractor Licensing page.
This includes:
- General Contractor License
- Specialized Trade License
- Mechanical Contractor
- Roofing Contractor
- Electrical and Plumber Registration
For questions on application or licenses, contact Larimer County select “Building Dept, Permits, Online Portal.” or visit 200 W Oak 3rd floor
Notice: application fees may be applied
Once your applications are approved and necessary permits are approved, you are ready to operate!
Resource Overview#
In this section, you’ll find an overview of various resources and permits that may be useful when starting and running your business. While not all resources or permits listed may apply to your specific business, it’s important to be aware of the support available in the City of Fort Collins. These resources can provide valuable insights for starting and operating your business.
If you need assistance navigating the available resources or confirming that you have the necessary permits and licenses, contact a business connector for guidance at or make an appointment here.
Sales Tax#
The City of Fort Collins uses a Sales & Use Tax License as a Business License.
In addition to the required Sales & Use Tax License/Business License, find other licenses that may apply to you on the Sales Tax website such as:
- Liquor Occupation Tax License (this is in addition to a liquor license)
- Outdoor Vendor License
- Short Term Rentals License
- Solicitor Permit Application
- Special Events Permit
- Tax Exempt Licensure
Other licenses are obtained through the Sales Tax/Business License application including:
- Auctioneer License
- Bowling Alley License
- Movie Theater License
- Places of Entertainment License
- Secondhand Dealer License
City Clerk#
For liquor and marijuana licensing visit the City Clerk’s website. The City of Fort Collins City Clerk Office has general and specialized administrative responsibilities.
Larimer County Health & Environment Department#
Larimer County Health & Environment Department oversees additional business requirements including:
- Restaurants and Mobile Units.
- Review this guide to starting a food business (English) (Spanish).
- Mobile Food Establishment Plan Review.
- Retail Food Establishment Plan Review.
- A plan review is a required process to ensure that your establishment’s design and operations meet all health and safety regulations.
- Vendor Application for Temporary Events.
- Depending on the type of food you are vending, you may need a Certified Food Protection Manager Certificate. Register here for the exam.
- Schools and Childcare Facilities.
- Plan Review Application Packet.
- Swimming Pools.
Larimer County Swimming Pool Plan Review Application.
- New or extensively remodeled swimming facilities must be reviewed prior to construction.
Larimer County Swimming Pool Plan Review Application.
Submit all Larimer County Health & Environment Department applications through the online portal or in their office at 1525 Blue Spruce Dr.
For any questions and more information contact the Larimer County Department of Health & Environment at or call at 970-498-6776.
Become a Responsible Employer#
If your business will hire employees, follow this checklist to comply with all Colorado of Labor and Employment requirements including:
- Registration as an employer with the Colorado Department of Labor & Employment
- Withhold, match and submit employee withholdings
- Obtain worker’s compensation insurance
- Follow other employee eligibility regulations
- Establish a required unemployment insurance account with the Colorado Department of Labor through Colorado Business Express
It’s important to understand the difference between an employee and an independent contractor to protect your business.
- To understand the difference read through the IRS guide Independent contractor or employee?
- Report new hires: Employers must report newly hired employees to the Colorado State Directory of New Hires.
Find the Right Employees#
The Larimer County Economic & Workforce Development Center can help you find qualified applicants at no cost, in addition to other low-cost trainings.
- For more information or assistance email
The Utilities Business Resource Team guides you and connects you to energy and water resources for your business. They assist business customers with resources to manage their utilities.
- Create your utilities account online.
- Manage your bill.
For assistance and questions contact the Utilities Business Resource Team at 970-416-4268 or email:
Get started with our local internet service, community owned broadband service provider Connexion:
Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Initiatives#
Discover ways to use water and energy more efficiently for your building.
Business Efficiency Rebates and Solutions.
- Reduce energy and water consumption, building or equipment itself.
- For a building energy and water assessment, fill out this application.
- For any other questions or more information contact David Suckling
- For commercial water efficiency rebates and information on how to save on your water bill visit commercial water efficiency website.
- Need more information or not sure where to start? Contact Kelly Gordon or they will create a plan tailored to your needs.
- The Environmental Services Department can help you develop your plan for waste reduction and recycling, air quality and climate action objectives.
- Contact Renee Colton for more information.
- Consider reaching out to NOCOBiz Connect to start your commitment to sustainability. A free bilingual program, supported by the City of Fort Collins, NOCOBiz Connect is dedicated to promoting and supporting sustainable initiatives within our business community.
- Email or fill out their contact form to get started.
OEDIT-Programs & Funding#
Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT) creates a positive business climate that encourages dynamic economic development and sustainable job growth. Find information about State programs and funding available to your business online.