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NOCOBiz Connect#

NOCOBiz Connect logo

NOCOBiz Connect is a bilingual business program that provides free coaching, technical assistance, networking opportunities, and promotion and recognition for local businesses pursuing sustainability goals in Northern Colorado. Their approach is based on the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) model, valuing achievements in people, profit, and planet-oriented business practices.

Learn More About NOCOBiz Connect

Zero Carbon Construction Code#

Zero carbon building example

Zero Carbon Construction Code is the development and implementation of a building code that targets energy use and carbon reduction for all new construction in Fort Collins. Codes will be adopted with energy reduction milestones every 3 years, with 2030 as the target code year for achieving zero carbon emissions on all new construction in Fort Collins. When funding is available, scholarships are available to educate and expand the local workforce in this area.

Learn More about Zero Carbon Construction Code

Green Building#

A stock photo of a construction taking place.

Existing Fort Collins building codes include many elements that support green building. The building code green amendments represent next steps along the path of integrating green building practices into mainstream construction.

Learn More About Green Building