Acceso A Idiomas
Acceso A Idiomas
La Ciudad ofrece servicios de acceso a los idiomas, sin costo, a las personas que tienen la capacidad limitada para leer, escribir o hablar inglés y desean utilizar los servicios, programas o actividades ofrecidas por la Ciudad. Estos servicios incluyen intérpretes y la traducción de documentos o porciones de documentos.
Para ayuda en acceso al idioma llame al 970.416.4254 y solicite hablar con el Coordinador de la Ciudad Título VI o envíe un correo electrónico a titlesix@fcgov.comLanguage Access
The City provides language access services at no charge to people who have limited ability to read, write or speak English and wish or need to use services, programs or activities offered by the City.
These services include:
- An interpretation and translation service that offers telephonic services in over 200 languages. It usually takes less than 10 seconds to connect to an interpreter. You do not need to know English to call or to identify your language.
- Interpretation at public meetings.
- Translation of documents or portions of documents.
For assistance with language access call 970.416.4254 and ask to speak to the City's Title VI Coordinator.
What Are 1041 Regulations#
The 1041 review process allows the City to weigh in on large water, wastewater and highway projects that have the potential to impact resources.
The City passed the ordinance approving 1041 powers in May 2023. Read the ordinance here.
Not all projects require a 1041 permit review. Learn more about each project type below and the threshold criteria that trigger a 1041 review.
Understanding the 1041 Review Process#
The City of Fort Collins is committed to supporting you through your 1041 Review Process . Click on the image to access the Applicant Resources page where you can find submittal checklists, guidance documents and more.
This section is under construction so check back regularly to see what has been added!

Coming soon!