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What Are 1041 Regulations#

Understanding 1041

The 1041 review process allows the City to weigh in on large water, wastewater and highway projects that have the potential to impact resources. 

The City passed the ordinance approving 1041 powers in May 2023. Read the ordinance here

Learn More About 1041 in Colorado

Projects That Require 1041 Review#

Highway Projects

Arterial Highways, Interchanges, and Collector Highways: Site selection and construction

A vac truck in a parking lot

Domestic Sewage Treatment Systems (Wastewater): Construction of new systems/facilities and modification of existing systems

A shovel and white water line pipe in the dirt.

Domestic Water Treatment Systems: Construction of new systems and modification/extensions of existing systems

Understanding the 1041 Review Process#

Image of a wastewater treatment plant

The City of Fort Collins is committed to supporting you through your 1041 Review Process . Click on the image to access the Applicant Resources page where you can find submittal checklists, guidance documents and more. 

This section is under construction so check back regularly to see what has been added! 

Residents attending a public meeting

Coming soon!