College and Drake Intersection Improvements#

Project Map
The intersection of College Avenue and Drake Road is a major intersection in Fort Collins. In addition to carrying a high volume of vehicular traffic, this intersection sees pedestrian and bicycle use and is near other transportation networks, including MAX and a MAX commuter lot and the Mason Trail.
Project Goals#
This project seeks to improve safety and efficiency of the intersection. Highlights include:
- Dual left turn lanes from all four directions
- Increase capacity for waiting vehicles
- Improve safety of right turn movements
- Improve safety and accessibility for pedestrians and bicycles.
In addition, flooding concerns at the intersection will be addressed and this project will reduce conflicts for turning vehicles.

This is a rendering of the proposed improvements. It is not a final design. To view a larger version of this image as a PDF, click the image or use this link.
This project is still in the design stage. Construction is not expected until 2026.
Jin Wang | Project Manager |