Power Trail and Harmony Road Grade-Separated Crossing Project#
Since its opening the Power Trail has had a gap between Golden Meadows Park and Keenland Drive, detouring Power Trail users to McMurry Avenue. This project will close that gap, extending the Power Trail beneath Harmony Road via a new underpass and improving safety and convenience for all trail users.
Construction will begin in spring of 2025.
Project timeline#
- Feasibility study
- Preliminary design
- Final design
- Construction
Project funding#
In 2015 a 10-year quarter-cent tax renewal, Community Capital Improvement Program (CCIP), was passed by voters. Part of the tax is dedicated to bike and pedestrian grade-separated crossings. Funding for the Power Trail and Harmony Road project has been identified from CCIP, a federal Transportation Alternatives (TA) Program grant and Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) grants through the Federal Highway Administration. With these grant awards secured and local funding in support, the project is fully funded for construction.
Have questions or concerns?#
For general questions or concerns about the project, contact Dillon Willett, Project Manager, at 907-726-7685 or dwillett@fcgov.com.
If you’re a business, contact Michael Bussman, Lead Business Specialist (Economic Health), at 970-416-2307 or mbussmann@fcgov.com.