Taft Hill - Horsetooth to Harmony#

The City of Fort Collins and Larimer County are partnering to improve Taft Hill Road from Horsetooth Road to Harmony Road. This segment of Taft Hill is a two-lane (one lane each direction) road with a center turn lane, and experiences traffic congestion and safety concerns. Planned project improvements include construction of a 4-lane arterial street including auxiliary turn lanes, intersection improvements, curb and gutter, sidewalks, bicycle lanes, median, and storm sewer.
Project Goals#
- Improve safety along Taft Hill Road for vehicles, transit, bicyclists and pedestrians
- Implement the Larimer County Urban Area Street Standard for an arterial roadway
Planned Design#

For a larger image, click here.
Project Status#
Final design efforts and Right of Way acquisition are underway.
The City and County jointly applied for and were awarded a Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG). Local matching funds are from Regional Transportation Capital Expansion Fees which the City collects for the County.
- STBG funds - $3.8 million
- Local funds - $1.5 million
- Design: 2020 - 2025
- Right-of-Way Acquisition: 2022 - 2024
- Construction: 2026
Taft Hill Project Virtual Public Meeting - Nov. 18, 2020#
Florian Fiebig, City Project Manager, 970-732-2472, ffiebig@fcgov.com
Erich Purcell, County Project Manager, 970-498-5733, epurcell@larimer.org