Timberline/Lincoln/Mulberry Intersection Improvements#

Project Map
The City of Fort Collins is working on improvements to the Timberline Road and Lincoln Avenue intersection. Currently, there are a lot of vehicles turning left from northbound Timberline onto Lincoln. Traffic frequently backs up onto Mulberry because of turning vehicles. There are also safety concerns with vehicles turning from Lincoln onto Timberline.
The City received a federal Highway Safety Improvement Program grant to help fund safety improvements at this location.
Project Description and Goals#
The project goals are to improve safety for all turning movements, reduce congestion by adding capacity for northbound left turns onto Lincoln, and reduce congestion by adding capacity for southbound left turns onto Mulberry.
Project improvements include a new turning movement design, often called a “Michigan left,” where northbound vehicles will drive past Lincoln, do a U-turn at a designated turnaround location, and then turn right from Timberline onto westbound Lincoln.
Improvements also include a 'channelized T' median for eastbound Lincoln left turns onto northbound Timberline, and dual left turn lanes from southbound Timberline onto eastbound Mulberry.
The project schedule has shifted. The original schedule was to complete construction of this intersection in fall, 2024. The revised schedule will have construction occuring in summer of 2025. There will be community outreach and a project open house in January, 2025.
Current Funding#
The project cost is estimated at $1.8 million based on the conceptual design.
Current funding includes:
- Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) grant – $1.5 million
- Community Capital Improvements Program sales tax - $120,000
Remaining needed funding will be secured after the project estimate is refined through design.
Mark Laken, Project Engineer: mlaken@fcgov.com