Timberline Road Widening - Stetson Creek to Trilby#
Timberline Corridor (Stetson Creek to Zephyr) Construction Update:#
The schedule for remaining work on the South Timberline Road Widening Project will be:
April thru June 2024:
- Install irrigation systems and landscaping

Timberline Road 2021 Widening Map
Continued growth in southeast Fort Collins has led to increased traffic on Timberline Road, which is an arterial road in the city. Timberline Road is a major thoroughfare for Fort Collins residents, and serves as a significant regional connection for Northern Colorado communities.
Widening of Timberline to Trilby Road is part of the City’s Master Street Plan and will reduce congestion, improve safety, and enhance bike and pedestrian connections along the corridor.
Project Description and Goals#
This project will reconstruct South Timberline Road from Stetson Creek Drive to Zephyr Road to the City’s four lane arterial roadway standards. Zephyr Road to Trilby Road will be restriped to include two northbound lanes and one southbound lane. Planned improvements include intersection improvements at Kechter Road and Zephyr Road, multi-modal accommodations, raised medians and center turn lanes, access control, landscaping improvements, and roadway improvements. A pedestrian underpass crossing Timberline Road was also constructed to accomodate future Mail Creek Trail.
This project serves to build upon the development improvements that have been completed along the corridor. This project will improve safety, reduce congestion, and provide improved accommodations for alternate travel modes.
The pedestrian underpass and Mail Creek Ditch box culvert construction at Mail Creek was constructed between December 2021 through June 2022.
South Timberline Road Widening construction began in early December 2022 and was completed in December 2023.
Landscape installation work will begin in April and be completed by mid-June, 2024
Current Funding#
Thie S Timberline Widening Proejct and the Mail Creek Pedestrian Underpass projects are estimated to cost around $10.5 million. Funding comes from the Transportation Expansion Capital Fee fund, developer contributions, and federal funds.
Mark Laken | Capital Projects Engineer | 970-222-3546 | mlaken@fcgov.com