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About Us#

EPS team staff standing in front of buildings and bushes

Emergency Preparedness and Security (EPS) is responsible for emergency management, security and special event permitting for the City of Fort Collins.

Vision: Community Safety Through Emergency Preparedness

Mission: Provide the City of Fort Collins the tools to prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies and disaster events. 

Emergency Management includes preparing for, responding to, and supporting recovery from emergencies and disasters. EPS educates community members about emergency preparedness and response and manages the City’s Emergency Operations Center.

What is an Emergency Operations Center?

  • An Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is a location where multiple agencies convene to provide support to an emergency situation. With all of these agencies meeting in one location, the EOC is able to facilitate a common operating picture, help coordinate information flow, and allow for agencies to determine what resources can be provided to the incident. 

Security is responsible for the safety and security of City buildings and employees.

Special Events issues permits for local festivals, concerts, races and events, helping ensure all events are held safely and responsibly.

Visit the Special Events Website