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Current Projects#

Paving and multimodal improvements are coming to a street near you. Find up-to-date information below about current and planned projects around the city. The projects are intended to facilitate slower traffic speeds and safer roadways for all users including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, people using micromobility devices, and drivers.

Centre Ave. Area#

map of Centre Ave. area transportation improvements

Project Overview#

The City is finalizing transportation improvements to Centre Ave. in 2025. Separated bike lanes will be installed on Centre Ave. from just east of S. Shields St. to just south of W. Prospect Rd. with funding from a federal Safe Streets and Roads for All grant. Plastic curbs with integrated plastic delineator posts will provide vertical separation between the vehicular travel lanes and the bike lanes.


  • Centre Ave. from just east of S. Shields St. to just south of W. Prospect Rd.

Construction work period

  • April 7 - April 11
  • The final segment on the north end of the project area will be installed in June - July following construction of the CSU Phemister Trail.

Construction impacts

  • Centre Ave. will remain open to traffic during the construction period, but lane shifts will be in place during the day.

Summary of completed work

The Centre Ave. area transportation improvements, which were largely completed in 2024, support implementation of the City's Vision Zero Action Plan and Active Modes Plan, which set the ambitious goals of eliminating traffic fatalities and serious injuries by 2032 and achieving 50% active modes share of all trips in support of the City’s broader climate, safety, and equity goals. The improvements covered the following area:

  • Centre Ave., from just east of S. Shields St. to just south of W. Prospect Rd.
  • Worthington Ave. from Centre Ave. to W. Drake Rd., and
  • Research Blvd. from Centre Ave. to W. Drake Rd.

The project included the following key components:


The City resurfaced the entire work area during this project, improving all pavement conditions.

Traffic safety

Centre Ave. is part of the City's high injury network, which is made up of roads with the greatest share of fatal and serious injury crashes. The Vision Zero Action Plan identifies refuge islands, separated bike lanes, and lane narrowing as safety countermeasures that could help reduce the number of crashes in the top six severe crash types that occur in Fort Collins. 

Crossing improvements

In conjunction with the resurfacing, bike and pedestrian refuge islands were constructed along Centre Ave., one at the at-grade crossing of the Spring Creek Trail and two at Rolland Moore Dr./Phemister Rd. Refuge islands (or crossing areas) are medians with a refuge area that is intended to help protect pedestrians and bicyclists who are crossing a road. These improvements were constructed with 2050 tax funding for climate initiatives.

The Spring Creek Trail underpass of Centre Ave. is frequently flooded for weeks to months at a time during the ditch irrigation season. When the underpass is flooded, trail users have to cross Centre Ave. at street level. Rolland Moore Dr. and Phemister Rd. provide an alternative to the often congested Spring Creek Trail. These routes provide connections to Rolland Moore Park, the Walk and Wheel Skills Hub, Sunshine House preschool, CSU Main and South campuses, Mason Trail, Compass Community Collaborative School, and businesses along College Ave.

Bike facility improvements

In conjunction with the resurfacing, on-street parking was removed from the east side of Research Blvd. so that buffers could be added between the bike lanes and vehicular travel lanes. On-street parking on the west side of Research Blvd. was converted to two-hour, time-restricted parking.

Vehicular travel lanes were narrowed along Centre Ave. so that buffers could be added between the bike lanes and the vehicular travel lanes and to help reduce vehicular traffic speeds. Both Research Blvd. and Centre Ave. are part of the Centre Bikeway, a key corridor in the City's low-stress bicycle network, which provides access to CSU Main Campus and South Campus, the Gardens on Spring Creek, and other key destinations.

Community Meeting#

The City held a hybrid public meeting for community members to learn more about the Centre Ave. area transportation improvements on Thursday, May 16 from 6:00 to 7:00 PM. The meeting was held in person at the Senior Center Lupine room (1200 Raintree Dr.) and online via Zoom. 

Watch the meeting recording This link opens in a new browser tab


Cortney Geary | Active Modes Manager, FC Moves | 970-416-2471 |

Michael Bussmann | Lead Business Specialist, Economic Health Office | 970-416-2307 | 

Jeff Usher | Lead Project Manager, Construction Engineering | 720-270-2653 |