Electric Vehicle Readiness Roadmap#
Project Overview#
In 2018, the City of Fort Collins developed an Electric Vehicle (EV) Readiness Roadmap to support current and future EV adoption in our community. The Roadmap establishes a vision, goals, and clearly defined roles for City of Fort Collins Departments, the private sector, and the Fort Collins community. The Roadmap includes:
- Action items for City efforts to inform policies and programs
- Strategies for increasing and leveraging investment in EVs and charging infrastructure
- EV charging station research and EV adoption forecasts to inform infrastructure needs and equitable placement locally and regionally
- Best practices for education, outreach, and addressing barriers to EV adoption
- Regional coordination strategies
- Increase EV use in Fort Collins by providing the clarity and direction needed to advance Fort Collins to the next level of EV adoption
- Help Fort Collins achieve the 2015 Climate Action Plan goals by reducing the carbon emissions and local air quality impacts of vehicles used within the city
- Inform and align with ongoing planning efforts, including the ongoing City Plan and Transportation Master Plan update, and the upcoming analyses of the electric grid distribution system planned by Fort Collins Utilities
- An EVRR Steering Committee/Working Group was formed in early 2019 from relevant internal and external stakeholder organizations for the purpose of implementing strategies from EVRR
- Development of the initial Roadmap began in early 2018 and ended October 2019
- The 2024 update to the Roadmap kicked off at the beginning of the year and will be ongoing through the fall
City of Fort Collins Owned and Maintained Charging Stations#

Good news for EV lovers! The City of Fort Collins has replaced all the public charging stations throughout the community with brand new dual-port ChargePoint charging stations. The locations of the charging stations are:
- Downtown Civic Center Parking Garage
- Downtown Firehouse Alley Parking Garage
- Mulberry Pool
- Senior Center
- South Transit Center
- EPIC (Edora Pool Ice Center)
- PRPA (Platte River Power Authority)
The charging stations cost drivers a flat rate of $1/hr.
For more information, contact: Dashiell Bubar-Hall, Transportation Planner, FC Moves at
dbubar-hall@fcgov.com, 970-416-4361
ChargePoint customer service at: 1-888-758-4389.
General EV Information#
The City of Fort Collins' Utilities Department has a website with a lot of good information about the different types of EVs, tax credits, charging, and other resources.
Visit Drive Electric Colorado site for more information about electric vehicles in Fort Collins, including charging stations, tax credits and other ways to get involved.
Interested in learning more? Want to participate?
Contact Dashiell Bubar-Hall, Transportation Planner, FC Moves at dbubar-hall@fcgov.com, 970-416-4361.