Old Mill Rd. from County Fair Ln. to Kechter Rd. and Corbett Dr. from Saddle Creek Dr. to Kechter Rd.#
Virtual Meeting
The City of Fort Collins is hosting a virtual meeting with area residents, property owners, and stakeholders to share information on the timeline of construction and seek input on the striping plans. FC Moves will explain how the project will improve multimodal transportation access along the corridor. The meeting will be held remotely via Zoom on Monday, March 21st from 5:30 - 6:30 PM. This meeting will be held in conjunction with a similar project on Stover St.
You can attend the meeting using a telephone, computer, or tablet.
Online: Visit https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87446498104?pwd=QTErMGlwRU43VHRSQisranJWM3lFQT09
In the Zoom app: Enter Meeting ID: 874 4649 8104, Passcode: 469482
On your phone: Dial +1-301-715-8592 and enter Meeting ID: 874 4649 8104, Passcode: 469482
If you cannot attended the meeting and would like to receive minutes from the meeting, or have any questions about the project, contact Cortney Geary at cgeary@fcgov.com or 970-416-2471.
Project Overview#
The City of Fort Collins will be repaving Old Mill Rd. and Corbett Dr. from Saddle Creek Dr. to Kechter Rd. As part of the project, the City will be restriping Corbett Dr. to add buffered bike lanes from Saddle Creek Dr. to Kechter Rd. and striping Old Mill Rd. to add bike lanes from Harvest Park Ln. to Kechter Rd.
Buffered bike lanes are conventional bicycle lanes paired with a designated buffer space separating the bicycle lane from the adjacent motor vehicle travel lane. Buffered bike lanes provide greater separation between motor vehicles and bicyclists and greater comfort for bicyclists.
The new striping plan is intended to help facilitate slower traffic speeds and a safer roadway for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, people using micro-mobility devices, and drivers. This change to the striping will include removal of parking on the west side of Corbett Dr. from Saddle Creek Dr. to Kechter Rd. and both sides of Old Mill Rd. from County Fair Ln. to Kechter Rd.
Project Schedule#
The repaving and restriping will occur Spring - Summer 2022. Local access will be maintained at all times during construction.
Cortney Geary | Active Modes Manager | 970-416-2471 | cgeary@fcgov.com