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League Cycling Instructor Training#

League Cycling Instructor Seminar Details#

What is a League Cycling Instructor?
League Cycling Instructors (LCIs) are ambassadors for better biking through education. After earning certification through a 3-day, League Coach-led seminar, LCIs teach Smart Cycling classes to children as well as adults. Their goal is to help people feel more secure about getting on a bike, to create a mindset that bikes are treated as a vehicle, and to ensure that people on bikes know how to ride safely and legally.

In our Northern Colorado community you can also use your LCI in many different ways. People with LCI certification are frequently found leading rides and teaching additional classes beyond Smart Cycling. People with the LCI certification are also our Gold Level Bicycle Ambassadors, using their LCI certification to earn money. Once you have your LCI certification, you can use it in many different ways and we would be happy to help you come up with ideas that aren't listed here, too! 

The LCI training seminar focuses on teaching and demonstration techniques used with future students both on the road and in the classroom. The seminar emphasis is on how to teach bicycle safety and skills so as to provide increased comfort and confidence for new and returning bicyclists and youth. The seminar does not emphasize the content or specific details of the cycling course curricula. It is primarily about teaching, and each candidate will have opportunities during the seminar to practice facilitating parts of the Smart Cycling curriculum, both in the classroom and in the parking lot. The seminar is normally one evening and two full days. Generally, 1/3 of the time is on-bike, so students should be prepared to ride.

A working bicycle (must have at least one functioning hand brake), helmet, and bike lights are required for the LCI Seminar. The City of Fort Collins can provide any or all of these if you don't have them.

The League expects that experienced bicyclists are seeking certification. This class is meant primarily to focus on how best to teach bicycling education - this weekend is not about learning how to ride safely, it's about teaching. If you don't feel like you are experienced enough, don't worry, we can help you get there before October! We can talk about this more after you submit this application.

Attendance at all seminar hours is mandatory and does not guarantee certification.

Visit the League LCI website


Person rides their bike on a Smart Cycling course.

In order to register for the LCI seminar, you need to have previously completed the Smart Cycling Complete Class (formerly Traffic Skills 101). All candidates MUST complete this class with an 85% or better at least three weeks prior to the LCI seminar.

We are offering both sections of the Smart Cycling class in August:
8/12/2023 (9 a.m., in-person and on 8/13/2021 (8 a.m. - 12 p.m.)

Sign up for Smart Cycling


Please keep in mind that the closer we get to the date of the LCI seminar, the more we will hone in our times to be more exact. The times shown below are subject to change, and when you are determining if you can commit or not keep in mind that this change typically is a reduction in time commitment, not an addition. 

Smart Cycling Completion Deadline

FC Moves will be offering Smart Cycling a few times before the LCI Seminar deadlines, with the last class being offered 8/12/2023 (9 a.m., in-person and on 8/13/2021 (8 a.m. - 12 p.m.)

Sign up for Smart Cycling with FC Moves

LCI Seminar Day 1
LCI Seminar Day 2
LCI Seminar Day 3