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Stover St. from E. Prospect Rd. to E. Stuart St.#

Project Overview#

The City of Fort Collins will be repaving and restriping Stover St. from E. Prospect Rd. to E. Stuart St. As part of the repaving, we will be restriping the street to add buffered bike lanes, since Stover St. is a key corridor in the City's low-stress bicycle network. The Stover Bikeway provides access to schools, the Spring Creek Trail, and other key destinations.

Buffered bike lanes are conventional bicycle lanes paired with a designated buffer space separating the bicycle lane from the adjacent motor vehicle travel lane. Buffered bike lanes provide greater separation between motor vehicles and bicyclists and greater comfort for bicyclists. The new striping plan is intended to help facilitate slower traffic speeds and a safer roadway for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, people using micro-mobility devices, and drivers. This change to the striping will include removal of parking on the east side of Stover St.

Project Schedule#

The repaving and restriping will occur Summer 2023. Local access will be maintained at all times during construction.


Cortney Geary | Active Modes Manager | 970-416-2471 |