Project Overview#
Halligan Reservoir is an existing reservoir on the North Fork of the Cache La Poudre River (North Fork). It is situated about 25 miles northwest of the city of Fort Collins in Larimer County, Colorado. If approved, the Halligan Water Supply Project will enlarge the existing Halligan Reservoir by approximately 8,200 acre-feet. The Halligan Project aims to achieve the following goals:

Increases Reliability and Resiliency
- Provides a storage reserve for emergency water supply.
- Increases drought security.
- Improves water system reliability and flexibility.
- Meets future water demands of the Fort Collins Utilities' water service area.

Environmentally Responsible
- Utilizes an existing reservoir.
- Has a small footprint (only 138 additional acres inundated).
- Requires no pumping, pretreatment, or additional infrastructure for water use.
- Improves conditions on the North Fork of the Poudre River.

Cost Effective
The project is currently the most cost-effective option to meet Fort Collins Utilities' water storage and supply needs. Other water sources could cost much more. We evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the project at each milestone, ensuring it is the best course of action for the cost.
Larimer County 1041 Permit Application
In 2024, the City of Fort Collins applied for a 1041 permit from Larimer County. As a part of the permit process, two public hearings took place in 2025 with the county's Planning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners.
Final Environmental Impact Statement Released
On Oct. 23, 2023, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers published a Notice of Availability for the Halligan Water Supply Project final Environmental Impact Statement in the Federal Register. This action is a significant milestone for Fort Collins Utilities and the Halligan Project. The project will provide added capacity in Halligan Reservoir to store Utilities’ water rights, enabling a more robust, resilient and reliable water supply for our current and future customers.
Fish and Wildlife Mitigation and Enhancement Plan Released
In 2023, the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission and the Colorado Water Conservation Board approved the Fish and Wildlife Mitigation and Enhancement Plan. The approval marks a significant milestone for the Halligan Project.
The plan follows state law, which requires impacts be mitigated in a way that is ecologically reasonable and maintains a balance between the development of our water resources and the protection of our fish and wildlife.
Virtual Open House
In 2023, a virtual educational tool was developed to gather feedback on the Fish and Wildlife Mitigation and Enhancement Plan. As of July 2023, the plan was officially approved by the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission and the Colorado Water Conservation Board and is the State of Colorado's official position on fish and wildlife resource mitigation for the Halligan Project. Therefore, there is no longer the opportunity to comment or provide feedback. However, you can still access the interactive virtual tool here.
2022 Year in Review
From state and federal permitting to design work and dam concepts–see what was accomplished in 2022.
Larimer County 1041 Permit Application
In 2024, the City of Fort Collins applied for a 1041 permit from Larimer County. As a part of the permit process, two public hearings took place in 2025 with the county's Planning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners.
Final Environmental Impact Statement Released
On Oct. 23, 2023, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers published a Notice of Availability for the Halligan Water Supply Project final Environmental Impact Statement in the Federal Register. This action is a significant milestone for Fort Collins Utilities and the Halligan Project. The project will provide added capacity in Halligan Reservoir to store Utilities’ water rights, enabling a more robust, resilient and reliable water supply for our current and future customers.
Fish and Wildlife Mitigation and Enhancement Plan Released
In 2023, the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission and the Colorado Water Conservation Board approved the Fish and Wildlife Mitigation and Enhancement Plan. The approval marks a significant milestone for the Halligan Project.
The plan follows state law, which requires impacts be mitigated in a way that is ecologically reasonable and maintains a balance between the development of our water resources and the protection of our fish and wildlife.
Virtual Open House
In 2023, a virtual educational tool was developed to gather feedback on the Fish and Wildlife Mitigation and Enhancement Plan. As of July 2023, the plan was officially approved by the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Commission and the Colorado Water Conservation Board and is the State of Colorado's official position on fish and wildlife resource mitigation for the Halligan Project. Therefore, there is no longer the opportunity to comment or provide feedback. However, you can still access the interactive virtual tool here.
2022 Year in Review
From state and federal permitting to design work and dam concepts–see what was accomplished in 2022.
Explore Halligan Reservoir#

Halligan Reservoir north shore.

Existing Halligan Dam.

Existing Halligan Dam and North Fork of the Poudre River looking south west.

North Fork of the Poudre River looking south downstream of Halligan Dam.

Halligan Reservoir in the spring.

Aerial view of Halligan Reservoir.

Halligan Reservoir and existing Halligan Dam.

North Fork of the Poudre River downstream of Halligan Dam, looking north.

Top of Halligan Dam looking south.

The Halligan Reservoir shoreline.

Halligan Reservoir inlet.