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Piano Boulders (West Side of Pineridge Natural Area)#

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Trail Status

Open without issues.


Piano Boulders is a popular bouldering-only site within Pineridge Natural Area. You can find a list of routes and other climbing beta at Northern Colorado Climbers Coalition or the Mountain Project

There are no dogs allowed in the Piano Boulders climbing area.

Due to natural resource damage and crowding concerns, the Natural Areas Department changed the fencing and reduced the parking area in June 2020. View the sign with the boundary.

Please respect the regulations posted on the signage and be a responsible steward. 


Piano Boulders from Parking Lot

Climbing Boulder

Short approach to boulders

View from Piano Boulders

Another view from Piano Boulders

Volunteers doing trail work at Piano Boulders


The short trail at Piano Boulders leads to climbing access only.

Other trail access to Pineridge Natural Area map >>>


5:00 a.m. 11:00 p.m.


The parking area is on the east side of Centennial Dr., 1/2 mile north of County Rd. 38E (or 1 mile south of County Rd. 42C). Walk east about 400 feet on the well-marked approach trail which starts in the middle of the parking area. Piano Boulders Natural Area has no entrance fee or parking fee.

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