Ross Natural Area#
Trail Status
Open without issues.
You are invited to enjoy Ross Natural Area. On the southwest corner of Rolland Moore Park, this small site serves as an urban wildlife corridor. Try a family picnic at Rolland Moore Park followed by nature walk at Ross- off trail exploration is allowed. Ross is one of the older natural areas, purchased in 1978.

Ross K Manderbach
0.7 mile of the paved Spring Creek Trail (wheelchair accessible); 0.2 mile natural surface
5:00 a.m. 11:00 p.m.
Parking at Rolland Moore Park (2201 South Shields St.) and trail access from Spring Creek Trail. Ross Natural Area has no entrance fee.
Activities and Events#
- Find free educational activities and events year-round on the Events Calendar. Activities and events in June-October are also listed in the Natural Areas Explorer.
- Learn about special events and activities each month by subscribing to the Natural Areas e-newsletter.
- Check out the Natural Areas Learning Library for self-guided activities.
Related Information#
- Know before you go safety and recreation information.
- Core Natural Areas Management Plan
- Special people have volunteered to take an active role in the stewardship of natural areas by doing monthly litter pick-ups. You can join the fun and adopt a natural area, too!
- Bird Checklist- Courtesy of Fort Collins Audubon Society