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Dream It Up Planning Grants#

Nature in the City would like to help you and your community create more access to nature and improve wildlife habitats throughout Fort Collins. Dream It Up Planning Grants (up to $5,000) will be available to help cover design costs for projects that help us reach our goals.

Timeline for applications and grant funds:

  • Applications will open on September 1, 2024
  • Applications will be due at midnight on October 20, 2024
  • Awardees announced by mid-December 2024 
  • Funds available after paperwork is completed February/March 2025

This grant opportunity is thanks to the voter-approved Community Capital Improvement Program. Thank you for your support!

Resources for applying for Planning Grants#

bumblebee in penstemon flower

These resources are from the last planning grant cycle and will be the same for the 2024 grant cycle (to be updated in the summer of 2024).

Review all the resources available to help you get ready for applying for Nature in the City funds. 

Get inspired and see what types of projects have been funded in the past, check out the Community Projects page or go on a self-guided tour of some Nature in the City projects!

Take a self-guided tour!

Frequently Asked Questions#

Nature in the City has funds from the Community Capital Improvement Program to apply towards community-driven projects that provide increased access and stewardship to high-quality natural spaces. The two types of grant funding opportunities are project planning and project implementation – Dream it Up and Make it Happen!

Dream it Up (planning) and Make it Happen (implementation) grants are offered on alternating years. 

Applications are due in the fall and grants are awarded the following calendar year.

Dream it Up: Planning grants can help groups form win-win partnerships, discover and overcome early challenges, and gain input and buy-in from the community the project will serve. Additionally, planning grants improve the quality of projects and the ease of implementation. An expected outcome might be a professional, community-approved landscape plan for your dream project. 

Make it Happen: Implementation grants help fund the installation of community projects that bring more wildlife habitat and access to nature into our community. Implementation grants can be small projects for natural spaces that need improved habitat or larger projects that create neighborhood buy-in, inspire stewardship, as well as provide habitat and access to nature.

  • Home Owner Associations 
  • Faith-based organizations 
  • Businesses
  • Non-profits 
  • Affordable housing communities
  • Mobile-home communities 
  • Schools
  • Apartment Complexes
  • Committed community members with creative project ideas 

Nature in the City can fund a wide variety of on the ground projects. Get creative with it! Some ideas include:  

  • Native-habitat gardens 
  • Nature play areas 
  • Outdoor classrooms/gathering spaces 
  • Mini habitat/pollinator restorations 
  • Turf conversions to native habitat
  • Habitat enhancements to your existing green space
  • Your unique ideas!  

Check out some of the past projects here!

  • Projects within the Fort Collins growth management area 
  • Hiring a landscape company to install the project (implementation phase)
  • Hiring a landscape designer to plan the project (planning phase)
  • Up to 15% of your grant funds can go towards staff and outreach costs, collectively
  • Completing a minor amendment through the City's Zoning Department for your project (planning or implementation phase)
  • Individual homeowner projects. Those are now funded through XIP (Xeric Incentive Program, see Native Bonus Rebate)
  • Programs and activities (e.g. environmental education, clean up days, research)  
  • Project maintenance
  • Projects outside of the City of Fort Collins growth management area 
  • Non-native landscapes
  • Completed application
  • A project team (including landowner)
  • Budget worksheet
  • Site photos
  • Landscape plan
  • Landowner permission

Have More Questions?#

Office Hours will be available in September.

You can also email us directly at any time: