Free Garage Parking in all City Parking Garages on Holidays!#

Enjoy free parking while supporting local businesses in Downtown Fort Collins.
The City of Fort Collins Parking Service offers free parking in all parking garages on Holidays. If you have any questions you can reach us at:
970-221-6617 press 0
Holidays include:
- New Year's Day
- Martian Luther King Jr. Day
- Presidents' Day
- Memorial Day
- Juneteenth
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Veterans' Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Day after Thanksgiving
- Christmas Day
Parking Services uses a variety of tools and methods to enforce traffic and parking codes in Fort Collins.
Camera License Plate Scans#
A specialized vehicle utilizes license plate recognition technology through vehicle-mounted cameras and computer systems. This system leverages optical character recognition software and GPS for location stamping. The vehicle can read license plates at 5-10 miles per hour. The routes monitored with this technology are low traffic areas to ensure operator and traffic safety. This system allows for quick identification of violators or stolen vehicles and >provides increased coverage for parking regulations, thus creating more public compliance with parking rules and regulations.
Handheld Computers#
Parking Enforcement Officers use handheld computers to write citations when violations are observed. This technology provides a visible presence in the community while utilizing cutting-edge technology. In the future this could be a tool to help collect parking turnover and occupancy data in Fort Collins.
Wheel Locks Or "The Boot"#

Wheel locks or "boots" are commonly used to immobilize vehicles whose owners failed to respond to a notice regarding illegal parking. Pursuant to Section 1801(4) of the Fort Collins Traffic Code, the City has the right to immobilize these vehicles. If a vehicle is booted, release can be obtained at Parking Services from 8:00AM to 4:30PM daily except Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. Once payment is received and processed, the boot is removed from the the immobilized vehicle.
The City of Fort Collins assumes no liability for the loss or damage to booted vehicles or contents while so immobilized. The device is the property of the City of Fort Collins and any damage or tampering shall make the registered vehicle owner liable for the destruction of City property. Removing the device or moving the vehicle by any means or in any manner before an official release is obtained constitutes a separate and additional misdemeanor offense, pursuant to sections 1801(5) of the Fort Collins Traffic Code.
Notices and Immobilization (Barnacle)#

Parking Services is working with Barnacle Enforcement Solutions to offer a self-release immobilization device for the convenience of our customers. While the goal is for everyone to park legally and to never use an immobilization device, there are instances when a customer has outstanding parking citations, and a device may be used.
The Barnacle device is a self-release option that can be used after regular business hours, including weekends and holidays. The user simply pays directly through Barnacle Enforcement Solutions and receives a release code. The Barnacle units and relatively lightweight and are manageable by most users. If the self-release option is chosen, you must return the immobilization device to the drop-box, located in the parking lot just north of the Parking Services office at 215 N Mason St, within 24-hours of release. Failure to return within the allowable timeline will result in the cost of the unit being charged to the method of payment used.
Each unit it equipped with a GPS locator and movement/tampering alarm, which notifies the appropriate enforcement agency of any attempt to move the vehicle and/or remove the device. While this may seem like an extreme measure, it is in place to ensure that each unit serves its purpose while allowing of quick and easy retrieval of your vehicle.
Payment information and QR codes are displayed on each unit, letting you know when to contact Parking Services directly, and when to reach out to Barnacle Enforcement Solution.
For any questions, please contact Parking Services at 970-221-6617 and press 0