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Prescription Drug

 Hazardous Waste
Prescription Drug

Colorado law requires that unused household medications be disposed of at approved collection sites. 

Follow the link below to find collection locations. 

Do NOT flush your old or leftover prescription drugs or other medications down the drain. Wastewater treatment plants are not designed to remove these chemicals and compounds, so they can pass through to local waterways and have harmful effects on animals, humans and the environment.

Accepted At:

Location Contact Information Details  
Fort Collins Police Services

2221 S. Timberline Rd.
Fort Collins


This service is free & anonymous. Bring your prescription drugs and medications for proper disposal. 

PRESCRIPTION AND OVER-THE-COUNTER MEDICATIONS (Remove pills from bottles and put in a sealed plastic bag)

Not Accepted:

  • Over-the-Counter creams or ointments
  • Intravenous solutions or injectables
  • Chemotherapy drugs
  • Illegal drugs
  • Medications under pressure, such as inhalers or oxygen tanks
  • Empty bottles
  • Medical supplies including band-aids, thermometers, hydrogen peroxide, etc. 

Personal medication only (no drop-off from pharma reps)

Other items accepted here
UCHealth Emergency Room - Harmony Campus

4630 Snow Mesa Drive
Fort Collins

(970) 237-8140

View Website

Accepts any and all medications as well as any liquid medications, ointments, vitamins, pet medications or patches.

Items not accepted include: Drugs used for chemotherapy, needles or glass, illegal substances and marijuana.

Other items accepted here


The information provided in this tool is compiled as a service to Fort Collins Residents. Contact information has been provided for the listed locations, and it is encouraged that you call ahead to verify the location, materials accepted, and hours of operation. Inclusion in this list is not an endorsement by the City of Fort Collins.

Any recycler wishing to be added to this list may contact If you can’t find the answer to your question here, please call us at 970-221-6600