Leaf Recycling#

Got leaves? There are many options for handling fallen leaves at your home or business.
Reusing, recycling, and composting your leaves keeps them from going to landfills, which helps the community meet zero waste and climate action goals, and can save community members money by avoiding extra charges on trash bills.
Leaves are excellent for composting, and are put to use by farmers and gardeners as animal bedding and garden insulation. Leaves can also be mowed into grass by a mulching lawnmower, or can even support biodiversity by providing habitat in your yard when left on the ground.
Do not rake/blow leaves into the street where they can clog storm drains.
Burning leaves and other yard waste is not permitted within Fort Collins city limits.
Options to recycle fallen leaves locally:
- Sign up for curbside collection of yard trimmings with your waste hauler. Leaves and other yard trimmings will be composted
- Connect with neighbors who need leaves through online social networks such as Nextdoor, Facebook or ShareWaste
- Visit our A-Z list for local yard waste drop-off options
- Compost them at home to feed your soil
- Use a mulching lawnmower to mulch dry leaves into your grass
- Cover garden beds with them to provide insulation over the winter
Benefits of leaving leaves on the ground:
- Dry leaves can be mulched into the lawn by using a mulching lawnmower, providing nutrients to the grass
- Provides critical habitat for beneficial insects and small mammals through the winter
- Provides nesting materials for birds
- Stem material (like that of sunflowers) provides habitat for native bees that bore into those types of stems for their homes