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Social Sustainability#

The mission of the Social Sustainability Department is to support a diverse and equitable community that successfully meets the basic needs of all residents. The Social Sustainability Department strives to achieve this mission through programs, policies, and partnerships that provide access and opportunities for all.


Street view of Oak 140 apartment complex

2025-2029 Consolidated Plan

The Consolidated Plan guides how the City allocates federal funding from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to support community development and affordable housing. Over the next five years, HUD is expected to invest nearly $8.5 million into Fort Collins to improve living conditions for primarily low- and moderate-income persons and households.

To review the draft goals for the 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan or provide feedback, click the link below.

2025-2029 Consolidated Plan

birdwhistle townhomes front view

Educational Information from the Affordable Housing Board

The Affordable Housing Board advises the City Council on matters pertaining to affordable housing issues of concern to the City.


Board Memorandums to Council

Camping Memo PDF

Parking Memo PDF

Housing Information

Housing Catalyst Voucher Information

Loveland Housing Study

Agency Spotlight

FCRM Website

In the News

Involuntary Sweeps of...

United Way Logo

United Way of Larimer County 2-1-1

***Information for Larimer County residents in need of rent, food or utilities assistance.***

Also includes resources for seniors, small business, mental health support, families, unemployment, and medical needs.

United Way of Larimer County 2-1-1

Rent assistance through Neighbor to Neighbor

United Way of Larimer County 2-1-1

Programs & Projects#

Affordable Housing
The City of Fort Collins believes one of the keys to a healthy community is the ability to house its residents in good quality, affordable housing. The City plays an important role facilitating the supply of affordable housing, including allocating local, state, and federal funding to housing providers, setting policies and regulations, and coordinating with housing developers and initiatives.

Information about childcare options in Fort Collins, and the City's role related to childcare centers and affordable childcare needs.

Equity & Inclusion
Equity and inclusion are frameworks to accomplish the City's goals of sustaining an environment where residents and visitors feel welcomed, safe and valued in the community. We seek to exemplify the highest standards of ethical behavior, provide outstanding service to diverse customer needs, and embody a culture of health, safety and wellness.

Homebuyer Assistance
Information about pay off and subordination of existing Homebuyer Assistance loans and community resources for homeownership and home improvement / emergency assistance. 

The City plays an important role in removing barriers and increasing access to opportunities by addressing the root causes and impacts of poverty and homelessness.

Human Services
The City of Fort Collins assists low-moderate income residents of Fort Collins in the areas of affordable housing and human services. This assistance, allocated via a Competitive Process, comes in the form of grants or loans to local housing agencies and human service providers.