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Electric Vehicles Offset Credit Requests#

The City of Fort Collins has appropriated funds to pilot a fee credit program intended to provide cost-sharing for electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure requirements at affordable housing developments. To qualify for this pilot program, a development must:

  • Meet the City’s definition of affordable housing project
  • Meet the City’s building code requirements for EV charging infrastructure
  • Apply for credits between project approval and issuance of a certificate of occupancy (CO)

Once minimum standards are met, credit amounts will be calculated based on 1 EVSE – Installed, 5% of EV Ready Spaces, and 10% of EV Capable.

Written requests are required for electric vehicle infrastructure offset credits (EV credits). Written requests must contain the following and should be discussed with your project's Development Review Coordinator:

  • Name, address and contact information for developer
  • Name of entity or person for whom trust account will be created
  • Name and address/location of development, and location map
  • Whether or not this development will be located in a qualified census tract
  • Total number of units with breakdown of AMI targets for all units
  • Description of development and why it qualifies as affordable housing
  • Proposed construction timeline
  • Total number of:
    • parking spaces,
    • EV capable parking spaces,
    • EV ready parking spaces and
    • EVSE installed chargers

Requests for EV credits should be made when parking space numbers are finalized but must be made prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the development. EV Credit requests should be sent to your project's Development Review Coordinator. EV credits are subject to available funding.

For general questions about EV credits, please contact Sue Beck-Ferkiss at or 970-221-6753.