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Mason Street Improvements#


Project Map

A map of the Mason Street project.

The Mason Street corridor is a heavily trafficked thoroughfare that connects the west side of Downtown Fort Collins with Colorado State University. In addition to being an important business corridor, Mason Street also carries the MAX bus rapid transit line through Downtown.

Improvements and repairs are necessary to continue to maintain a high level of service along the corridor and make concrete, curb, and gutter repairs where needed.

Project Goals#

This project involves road upgrades and improvements along the Mason Street corridor from University Avenue to Maple Street. A major objective is to address re-occurring wear and tear issues, including significant damage to the pavement and underlying structure the comes from high use by cars and heavy buses. 

These reconstruction and structural improvements are designed to enhance the durability of roads along the travel corridor and reduce the need for more frequent maintenance. The result will be a route that is maintained to a high standard and stays in good condition for years to come. 


Both directions of Mason Street will be under construction throughout the timeline. Work will move on a block-by-block basis, leaving sections of the street open when work is not taking place.

Minor utility and tree trimming maintenance will happen during this work to take advantage of project-related street closures.


This project's final two phases of work are underway:

Work on Mason between Mountain and Maple

This remaining asphalt and concrete work began Monday, May 13 and completes May 24. Construction includes work on curbs, gutters, and sidewalks as well as asphalt resurfacing. Mason is closed to vehicle traffic from Mountain and Maple during this work.

Work at the intersection of Mason and Mulberry

This work will include waterline replacement as well as hole filling and repaving. Work will begin Wednesday, May 29 and finish Sunday, June 2. The intersection of Mulberry and Mason will be fully closed to vehicle traffic on Sunday, June 2 for additional paving work.

For more information about the project’s work near Mulberry, visit

Information for MAX riders#

Because Mason Street normally carries the MAX line, MAX service will be affected. MAX service and stops will be relocated one block west to Howes Street once Mason Street begins closing to traffic.

More information will be posted here and at once the detour begins.

View the MAX schedule

Business Support#

The City recognizes that Mason Street is an important business corridor and this project will affect normal business operations. 

We want to make projects like this as least disruptive as possible for businesses. Check out our Construction Toolkit below, and our Business Support Liaison can be reached for additional questions:

Michael Bussmann

Business Support Liaison 

Business Construction Toolkit


Bill Welborn | Project Manager | Streets Department |

Michael Bussmann | Business Support Liaison |