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Snow Preparations#

Snowplow Safety#

Snow Plows

Snowplows in Tandem Formation

Please use extra caution when driving near snowplows. 

  • Do not tailgate! Plows drop de-iceing materials, so make sure you stay back 3-4 car lengths. If you follow too close, these products could get on your car. Also, they may make a sudden stop and you need plenty of room to do the same.
  • Passing - Did you know that it is a class A traffic offense to pass a snowplow operated by a state, county or local agency when operating in a tandem formation with one or more snowplows? Tandem formation is when multiple plows are staggered diagonally to cover all lanes and clear the entire roadway in one pass. It is extremely dangerous to attempt to pass a plow when in this tandem formation.
  • Visibility may be impaired-  Avoid driving into a snow spray cloud that is created by the plow as this may cause a total “white out” of zero visibility to the driver.
  • Motorists should use extra caution when driving near specialized wing plows- These plows have a regular 12 foot plow in the front and a 9 foot wing plow that hangs to the right. This wing plowing system clears both the driving lane and shoulder lane or two lanes of traffic in one pass. This is extremely dangerous for motorists who try to pass the plow.

Sidewalks - Safe, clear sidewalks are essential for mobility#

City of Fort Collins Municipal Code Sec. 20-102 This link opens in a new browser tab states that property owners or occupants keep sidewalks free and clear of snow and ice 24 hours after accumulation. 


If you reside on a plow route, consider waiting until the end of the storm and snowplow operations have finished before clearing your sidewalks.

Please shovel snow onto your property, your yard will thank you come springtime! This will help minimize any additional snow that may inadvertently get pushed back onto the sidewalk by snowplows AND help storm water drainage.

To report a sidewalk that has not been cleared after the storm, please contact Neighborhood Services at 970-224-6046 or go to Access Fort Collins under Nuisance Reporting- Unshoveled sidewalks.

Access Fort Collins-Unshoveled Sidewalks This link opens in a new browser tab

More ways to help our community#

How can you be assured you can safely get your kids to school, yourself to work, and any other place you need to go? It is important to be prepared before the first snowflake hits the pavement. Consider these winter tips:

  • Make certain that your vehicle is ready for winter driving conditions long before a storm rolls into town. Being prepared means that your vehicle has good tires, good wiper blades and a working defroster and an ice scraper.
  • When there is a storm, only travel when absolutely necessary.
  • If you do have to travel, reduce your speed in snow and ice conditions. Reckless driving and high speeds are the number one cause of most winter accidents. Remember that bridge crossings are highly susceptible to freeze over first.
  • If a storm is forecast, please remove your parked vehicle from the street so that snow plows can clear their routes from curb to curb. Find out if you live on a Snow Route.
  • Snow will eventually melt and drain into our storm drainage system. You can help the flow by keeping storm drain and curbs clear for the snow to melt. To help the flow, park slightly away from curbs and storm drain outlets and please do not shovel snow into the street per City of Fort Collins Municipal Code Sec. 20-100. This link opens in a new browser tab

Snow Emergencies#


When storm conditions are severe, a Snow Emergency may be declared. Factors such as wind and temperature combined with current and projected snow accumulations, influence this decision. When a Snow Emergency is declared, newspapers and local radio and television stations are informed in an effort to alert the public. Other emergency resources: