Looking for current construction projects?
See our Construction webpage for a list of current and future transportation projects, as well as any traffic impacts from active projcets.
Traffic Operations Department#
The City of Fort Collins Traffic Operations department oversees all aspects of traffic related responsibilities within the City. Examples include signal systems, signs and pavement markings, traffic engineering such as speed limits, other studies, work area traffic control, safety, pedestrian and bike innovations, neighborhood traffic mitigation, etc.
Transportation Board#
The Transportation Board advises the Fort Collins City Council on transportation issues. The Board examines issues relating to financing, the development and implementation of master plans pertaining to pedestrian, streets, transit, bicycles, automobiles, congestion, traffic signalization, and transportation facilities, the use of technology, and education of the public and private industry on transportation topics.
Hot Topics#
Stay Informed On Road Closures With FCTrip#

For information on planned, major construction projects as well as current road closures, visit fcgov.com/fctrip
Current Projects#
Visit fcgov.com/pdt/construction for links to current and planned major City of Fort Collins construction projects happening across the city.