Sidewalk, Curb and Gutter Repairs#
See also: How SMP works | Street Treatments | Repairs | FAQ's | How SMP works | Street Markings | Awards
City Code#
Although City Code, Sec. 24-42(a), states that adjacent property owners are responsible for the repair of concrete curb, gutter and sidewalk, the City may choose to repair concrete when street maintenance is scheduled and when one or more of the following conditions is present:
- trip hazards
- drainage issues
- severe spalling and fractures
- concrete settlements
- pooling of water
- safety concerns
- installation of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant pedestrian access ramps
Patching Process#
Often during road repair or reconstruction, temporary patches are placed along concrete sidewalk or driveway repairs until permanent patches can be installed.
Reasons for temporary patches:
- Expedite the removal of traffic control devices assisting to mitigate safety concerns
- Temporarily seal the surface, preventing water intrusion and further damage to the roadway
- Provide quicker access to homeowners' driveways, sidewalks and street parking
Example 1
Example 2
Citizen Concrete Repair Options#
If you are interested in additional concrete work not covered by the above situations, or on private property, (for example, the sidewalk up to a front door, a driveway, or a driveway approach to replace driveover curb, gutter and sidewalk), please contact the contractor directly. Contractor information is available from the Streets Department, 970-221-6615. Repairs of this nature must be covered entirely at your expense. Please make these arrangements as soon as possible so the contractor can coordinate their schedule with the City's repair work.

Drive Over Drive Approach

Smooth Drive Approach