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Air Quality Programs#

Outdoor Burning
City code prohibits public air pollution nuisances. This code was updated in 2019 to add specific requirements for nuisances related to outdoor wood burning fires.

Vehicle Idling
The City conducts anti-vehicle idling campaigns aimed at reducing unnecessary idling and associated engine emissions.

The City is planning for ozone attainment by working locally to reduce pollution from sources such as gas and diesel vehicles and engines, and collaborating regionally to decrease transported pollution.

Oil and Gas
The City supports reductions in emissions from oil and gas production and development, and collaborates regionally on strategies to reduce emissions.

Fugitive Dust
A Fugitive Dust Ordinance, adopted in 2016 and updated in 2018, requires owners and operators of dust generating activities to incorporate best management practices to reduce off-property transport of fugitive dust.

Night Sky
The night sky is a valuable natural resource which can be affected by both air and light pollution. Learn more about the City's Night Sky Initiative, which includes efforts to minimize glare, light trespass and sky glow, while conserving energy and resources.

Wildfire Smoke
Prepare for air quality impacts that may come from a changing climate, which can lead to increases in extreme events such as wildfires that can impact air quality locally and regionally.

Lawn and Garden Equipment
Find out about available rebates and the benefits of converting from gas to electric lawn and garden equipment.

Outdoor Burning
City code prohibits public air pollution nuisances. This code was updated in 2019 to add specific requirements for nuisances related to outdoor wood burning fires.

Vehicle Idling
The City conducts anti-vehicle idling campaigns aimed at reducing unnecessary idling and associated engine emissions.

The City is planning for ozone attainment by working locally to reduce pollution from sources such as gas and diesel vehicles and engines, and collaborating regionally to decrease transported pollution.

Oil and Gas
The City supports reductions in emissions from oil and gas production and development, and collaborates regionally on strategies to reduce emissions.

Fugitive Dust
A Fugitive Dust Ordinance, adopted in 2016 and updated in 2018, requires owners and operators of dust generating activities to incorporate best management practices to reduce off-property transport of fugitive dust.

Night Sky
The night sky is a valuable natural resource which can be affected by both air and light pollution. Learn more about the City's Night Sky Initiative, which includes efforts to minimize glare, light trespass and sky glow, while conserving energy and resources.

Wildfire Smoke
Prepare for air quality impacts that may come from a changing climate, which can lead to increases in extreme events such as wildfires that can impact air quality locally and regionally.

Lawn and Garden Equipment
Find out about available rebates and the benefits of converting from gas to electric lawn and garden equipment.
Indoor Air Quality Programs#
The City offers the following programs and information to improve indoor air quality for Fort Collins residents.

The City supports radon outreach, testing and mitigation programs including provision of low-cost test kits, requiring that information be provided during home purchases, and requiring radon mitigation standards in new buildings.

Healthy Homes
The Healthy Homes program provides resources to help address indoor air quality issues related to adverse health effects by recommending low cost or no cost solutions for common indoor air quality issues.

Common Problems
Find out about the most common indoor air quality issues that can trigger health problems in your home and what you can do about it.

The City supports radon outreach, testing and mitigation programs including provision of low-cost test kits, requiring that information be provided during home purchases, and requiring radon mitigation standards in new buildings.

Healthy Homes
The Healthy Homes program provides resources to help address indoor air quality issues related to adverse health effects by recommending low cost or no cost solutions for common indoor air quality issues.

Common Problems
Find out about the most common indoor air quality issues that can trigger health problems in your home and what you can do about it.
Air Quality Plan#
The City has a long-standing principle to continually improve air quality, which includes identifying and implementing opportunities to reduce sources of air pollutants. The Air Quality group within Environmental Services works on policies and programs that support the protection of public health and the environment through improvement in outdoor and indoor air quality.
Read the City of Fort Collins Air Quality Plan (revised 2019)