2025 Election Calendar for Voters#

Upon candidacy |
Candidate Affidavit is due within ten (10) days of becoming a candidate. Committee registration is also needed before accepting contributions or making expenditures |
April 2 |
Council Information Session for those interested in running for Council; 6:00 p.m., Council Chambers |
August 5-25 |
Circulation dates for nomination petitions |
September 5 |
Deadline to certify ballot content with the County. All official candidates will be known. |
September 5 (or before - see note) | Deadline to publish Charter amendments. (Note: Must publish Charter Amendments within 30 days after adoption by Council and no later than 60 days prior to the election) |
September 15 |
Council Candidate Orientation Session; 5:30 p.m., Council Chambers |
September 19 |
Deadline to submit pro and con statements for TABOR issues. Submit to the City Clerk's office. |
September 19 |
Last day for petition representatives to submit summarized comments in favor of their petition. |
No later than September 20 |
Larimer County will mail ballots to military and overseas voters |
October 3 |
Deadline to mail TABOR notices to households with registered voters |
October 13 | Must be a resident of Colorado by this date in order to participate in the election |
October 13-17 | Window for Larimer County to mail out ballots to all eligible electors (exact date unknown) |
November 1 | Annual campaign finance reports are due for any committees that remain open. Reports will be posted online shortly after receipt. |
November 4 | Election Day! |
November 12 | Last day to receive military and overseas ballots and for voters to cure signature deficiencies |
November 14 | Deadline for Larimer County to count all ballots received |
November 26 | Last day for Larimer County to certify the official election results |
November 26 | Last day for interested parties to request and file a recount at their own expense |
December 5 | Last day to complete a required statutory recount of any race |
December 9 | Last day to complete a recount of the 2025 coordinated election requested by an interested party |