Fort Collins City Elections Coordinated with Larimer County!
The City of Fort Collins now coordinates with Larimer County on all Regular and Special November elections. Visit the Larimer County Election page for more pertinent information on the upcoming election!
What's on the Ballot?#

Next Election: Nov. 4, 2025
In 2025, Fort Collins voters will be able to select a Mayor and Councilmembers from Districts 1, 3 and 5. The Mayor is selected by all registered voters within the City. Councilmembers are selected by registered voters within their respective Districts.
All Fort Collins voters may also be presented with local ballot issues or questions. City Council will be considering some proposed Charter amendments during Q1 of 2025. If approved, more information will be provided.
Candidate Qualifications | Candidate Guidelines | Candidate Resources | Becoming a Candidate
- No candidate filings at this time
- District 1
District 3
- No candidate filings at this time
- District 5
Ballot Issues & Questions#
Nothing at this time. Additional ballot questions may be added prior to Sept. 5, 2025, which is the deadline to certify ballot language to Larimer County.