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Candidate Qualifications#

An individual is eligible to be a candidate for municipal office if, at the time of election, he or she:

  • is a citizen of the United States,
  • is at least 21 years of age,
  • has been a registered elector within the city for at least one year immediately preceding the election, and
  • in the case of a District Councilmember, has continuously resided in the District from which he or she is to be elected since the date of accepting any nomination for election under Article VIII, Section 3 of the City Charter.

Article II, Section 2 of the Charter of the City of Fort Collins specifies qualifications for Council candidates and members.  With respect to eligibility to be a candidate for, or hold the office of Councilmember, see relevant provisions of the Colorado Constitution below.

Article VII, Section 10 of the Colorado Constitution#

Section 10. Disfranchisement during imprisonment.
No person while confined in any public prison shall be entitled to vote; but every such person who was a qualified elector prior to such imprisonment, and who is released therefrom by virtue of a pardon, or by virtue of having served out their full term of imprisonment, shall without further action, be invested with all the rights of citizenship, except as otherwise provided in this constitution. 

Article XII, Section 4 of the Colorado Constitution#

Section 4. Disqualifications from holding office of trust or profit.
No person hereafter convicted of embezzlement of public moneys, bribery, perjury, solicitation of bribery, or subornation of perjury, shall be eligible to the general assembly, or capable of holding any office of trust or profit in this state.