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Next Election: November 4, 2025. The election will include races for Mayor and Councilmembers for Districts 1, 3 and 5. Candidate information for 2025 is being updated as items come in. The election may also include Charter amendments and citizen petition initiatives that meet sufficiency requirements.#

white line drawing of a person next to three checkboxes against a blue background, text says Candidates
white line drawing of a person next to three checkboxes against a blue background

Becoming a Candidate

Process and forms to run for City Council.

Becoming a Candidate

white line drawing of four people against a blue background

Candidate Filings

Information on candidates who have filed for the next municipal election.

View Candidates

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Candidate Guidelines

Information and basic requirements on running for office in the next municipal election.

Candidate Guidelines

line drawing of three candidate names listed on a ballot

Ranked Voting

Information about Fort Collins' transition to ranked voting in 2025.

Ranked Voting

white line drawing of a calendar page against a blue background

Candidate Election Calendar

Important dates for candidates.

View Calendar

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Campaign Finance Reports

Campaign finance reports for upcoming and past elections.

Campaign Finance Reports

white line drawing of an election campaign sign against a blue background

Campaign Signs & Materials

Regulations for campaign signs, written materials, and door-to-door campaigning.

View Regulations