Next Election: November 4, 2025. The election will include races for Mayor and Councilmembers for Districts 1, 3 and 5. Candidate information for 2025 is being updated as items come in. The election may also include Charter amendments and citizen petition initiatives that meet sufficiency requirements.#
The City of Fort Collins will host a Candidate Information Session on April 2 from 6-7:30 p.m., located in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 300 Laporte Ave. This session is intended to give individuals who may be interested in becoming a candidate an opportunity to learn general information about the City and the role of a Councilmember, the process for becoming a candidate, specifics about Ranked Voting, and to ask questions. See the Candidate Guidelines for more detailed information.

Candidate Filings
Information on candidates who have filed for the next municipal election.

Candidate Guidelines
Information and basic requirements on running for office in the next municipal election.

Campaign Finance Reports
Campaign finance reports for upcoming and past elections.

Campaign Signs & Materials
Regulations for campaign signs, written materials, and door-to-door campaigning.