Friend of Preservation Award Nomination#

Friend of Preservation Award Blocks
Thank you for participating in the nomination process for the Friend of Preservation Awards! The City of Fort Collins Historic Preservation Commission recognizes outstanding historic preservation work in the community through the Friend of Preservation Awards. These awards recognize a range of individuals and organizations that complete work to support historic preservation in Fort Collins.
The Historic Preservation Commission typically selects 4 awardees. Nominations can be made by Fort Collins community members, local non-profit organizations, and the Historic Preservation Commission. Nominations are due March 2 by midnight (12 a.m.).
Past individuals, organizations, and project types that received awards include:
- Property owners, organizations, or building contractors who completed excellent rehabilitation projects on a historic building or site (residential or commercial)
- Local historians who completed important work in local history about Fort Collins’s historic places.
- Developers and design firms that designed excellent restorations of historic properties, adaptive reuse of historic properties, or excellent new infill near historic properties.
- Recognition of ongoing/lifetime achievements related to historic preservation in Fort Collins.
Part of the consideration of each nomination will be how the project, person, or organization supported the City’s historic preservation goals (in other words, why they should they be recognized with a Friend of Preservation Award). For more information, see the City’s historic preservation policies and purposes, HERE.
To explore previous award recipients, GO HERE.
Note: If you would like to include photographs or other supplemental materials with your nomination, please send those to