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Why Single-Unit Dwelling Demolition Notification?#

Note: This notification process applies to proposed demolitions of single-unit dwellings over fifty years of age that are not designated City Landmarks or in City Landmark Districts to be replaced by a new single-unit dwelling or otherwise not subject to a development review process. Notification for the demolition of structures at least fifty years old related to non-single-unit-dwelling projects (e.g., duplex, mixed use, etc.) occurs through the development review notification process. Partial demolitions for alteration projects* do not have a notification requirement under this procedure.

Demolition notification provides an opportunity to ensure important historic, architectural, and cultural resources are not lost without consideration, pursuant to Section 14-6 and Chapter 14, Article III of Municipal Code. This process applies to single-unit dwellings at least fifty years old proposed for demolition and replacement with a new single-unit dwelling. It provides an opportunity for community members to receive notice about the proposed demolition and consider taking action to protect the property through designation, as provided by City Code.

Property owner(s) of record can request to initiate the Single-Unit Dwelling Demolition Notification process by contacting Historic Preservation Services and submitting:

  • A statement requesting the initiation of the Single-Unit Dwelling Demolition Notification process
  • A confirmation that the proposed new construction would be a single-unit residence (or otherwise not subject to development review), and, if available, proposed plans
  • Photos of all sides of the house and any secondary structures proposed for demolition

Once initiated, the notification process includes:

  • A "Notice of Demolition" sign posted in front of the property
  • Posting on the notification table below, including a link to any related historic survey, if available
  • Inclusion in the weekly This Week in Development Review newsletter and monthly Historic Preservation Matters newsletter
  • Direct notification to the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) at their next available meeting
    • At the HPC meeting, the item will appear on the discussion agenda along with a staff-prepared summary of any easily accessible historical information about the property, and historic survey results if available. There will be an opportunity for anyone wishing to speak to the Commission about the item to do so.

Until the notification process is complete and demolition permits are signed off on by Historic Preservation Services staff, certain parties are eligible to initiate a Landmark nomination process against the wishes of a property owner by submitting the necessary information based on the procedure outlined in Section 14-31 of the Fort Collins Municipal Code to Historic Preservation Services. This includes: three or more residents of the city by petition and submission of a complete application, the HPC by motion, or City Councilmembers in writing (contact for additional information). 

The Single-Unit Dwelling Demolition Notification process is considered complete after the HPC meeting at which the notification item appears. Provided that no non-owner-supported Landmark nomination procedures have been initiated, Staff can remove "holds" and sign off on any related demolition permit applications the day after the HPC meeting.

If, after completing the demolition notification process, the owner/applicant is issued a demolition permit for the subject single-unit dwelling and that permit expires, then the demolition notification process must be repeated. Or, if six months pass after the completion of the demolition notification process without the owner/applicant being issued a demolition permit related to a forthcoming new single-unit dwelling building permit for the subject location, then the demolition notification process must be repeated.

Note: Demolition permits for secondary structures on properties over fifty years of age and demolition/removal of individual mobile homes are not subject to this demolition review process, but may still need to comply with the design review provisions of Chapter 14, Article IV of Municipal Code. 

*To be considered an "Alteration," a minimum of one full exterior elevation (wall) must be retained. If proposed demolition exceeds this limitation, the project shall be considered as a full demolition, and this notification process is required. (Building Services - Chief Building Official code interpretation memo dated 4/6/2023)

Revised Dec. 5, 2024

Website Posting Date Notification Closing Date Address Date of Construction Proposed Demolition
2/5/2021 pulled (new owner) 610 S. Loomis Ave. 1931 Single-unit Residence (Survey)


511 N. Grant Ave. 1908 Single-unit Residence
2/24/2021 closed 420 West St. 1952 Single-unit Residence
3/19/2021 closed - involuntary Landmark nomination submitted - denied by City Council 12/21/2021. Check HERE for voting results. 528 W. Mountain Ave. 1885 Single-unit Residence (Survey)
3/19/2021 closed 501 Edwards St. 1902 Single-unit Residence
7/15/2021 closed 320 Wood St. 1964 Single-unit Residence (no new construction proposed)
1/20/2022 closed 741 Lindenmeier Rd. 1905 (circa) Single-unit Residence
2/24/2022 closed 323 S. Washington Ave 1925 (circa) Single-unit Residence
7/6/2022 closed 510 Wood St. 1920 (circa) Single-unit Residence
7/6/2022 closed 514 Wood St. 1918 (circa) Single-unit Residence
8/30/2022 closed 1113 Mathews St. 1905 Single-unit Residence
9/23/2022 closed 809 W. Mountain Ave. 1905 Single-unit Residence (Survey)
9/23/2022 closed 700 E. Elizabeth St. c. 1922 Single-unit Residence
9/28/2022 closed - Involuntary Landmark designation procedure terminated by HPC 3/22/2023 323 S. Loomis Ave. 1905 Single-unit Residence (Survey)
10/31/2022 closed 516 N. Grant Ave. c. 1908 Single-unit Residence
10/31/2022 closed 1110 Maple St. c. 1924 Single-unit Residence
11/15/2022 closed 416 N. Grant Ave. c. 1908 Single-unit Residence (Survey)
11/15/2022 closed 1318 W. Mountain Ave. 1947 Single-unit Residence
12/1/2022 closed 416 Stover St. c. 1893 Single-unit Residence
12/22/2022 closed 330 Scott Ave./1224 W. Magnolia St. c. 1945 Duplex
12/23/2022 closed 512 Edwards St. 1921 Single-unit Residence
3/22/2023 closed 210 & 210 1/2 S. Grant St. 1919 Single-unit Residence
5/3/2023 closed 127 N. Grant Ave. 1905 Single-unit Residence
1/30/2024 closed 1011 W. Magnolia St. 1925 Single-unit Residence
2/13/2024 closed 700 E. Elizabeth St. (re-noticing; previously noticed 9/2022) c.1922 Single-unit Residence
4/26/2024 closed 1703 W. Mulberry St. c. 1929 Single-unit Residence
6/7/2024 closed 1105 W. Mountain Ave. 1922 Single-unit Residence
6/25/2024 closed 516 N. Grant Ave. (re-noticing; previously noticed 11/2022) c. 1908 Single-unit Residence
11/22/2024 closed 325 N. Howes St. c. 1900 No planned new construction
12/10/2024 closed 1616 S. Whitcomb St. c. 1959 Single-unit Residence
2/7/2025 April 16, 2025 712 Scenic Dr. 1975 Single-unit Residence
2/21/2025 April 16, 2025 125 W. Trilby Rd. 1963 No planned new construction