Program Purpose#
To protect, enhance, and preserve Fort Collins' significant historical, architectural and geographical heritage in order to advance the economic, cultural and environmental qualities of the city.
The Historic Preservation Services Division works collaboratively with the community to advance the economic, cultural and environmental qualities of the city. Through preserving, enhancing, and promoting Fort Collins' significant heritage and saving the places that are meaningful to all of our residents, we demonstrate our commitment to this collective vision while employing predictable, transparent, and responsive processes and continuous improvement.
Core Responsibilities#
- Staff support for the Historic Preservation Commission
- Guidance and support for applications to State and Federal Income Tax Credit Programs
- Direct support for City historic preservation programs, including the Design Assistance and Landmark Rehabilitation Loan programs
- Maintenance of conservation easements on historic buildings
- Education and outreach programs
- Development Review, (Land Use Code Article 5 Division 5, Historic [p. 5-53, PDF p. 57])
- Design Review, (Municipal Code Chapter 14)
- Section 106 Review and Compliance
- Maintenance of CLG (Certified Local Government) status
- Grant and project management (State Historic Fund, CLG Grants, etc.)
- Historic building survey (identifying historic buildings)
The Division#
The City's preservation program began in 1968 when City Council passed Fort Collins' first preservation ordinance, establishing the Landmark Preservation Commission (now the Historic Preservation Commission). In 1984, the program moved under the City's Planning department with its first dedicated staff person. Since that time, Historic Preservation Services has grown to a small team in the Community Development & Neighborhood Services Department that supports historic preservation activities throughout the city, including llandmark design review of any proposed exterior changes to 324 individually-designated historic properties and four historic districts.
The Historic Preservation Services division works collaboratively with citizens, developers, and staff, participating in key community planning and development projects affecting historic and cultural resources in Fort Collins. New construction, and the alteration or demolition of existing buildings, is reviewed for its effect on neighborhood and community character. Good design and rehabilitation of historic homes and businesses is encouraged through a large number of financial incentive programs available to citizens
Maren Bzdek - Historic Preservation Manager#

Maren manages the division to support the preservation of historic places that represent an inclusive understanding of our community history. She leads the team in work with historic property owners and development applicants to care for historic properties and create compatible urban infill. The division's work also contributes to long-range planning that maintains our unique sense of place, while advancing progressive preservation policies with a particular emphasis on sustainability. Maren has a BA in Environmental Studies/Geology and an MA in History and has worked in the fields of historic preservation and environmental history for sixteen years. She previously worked on historic preservation contracts for the National Park Service and other federal agencies as the Program Manager for CSU’s Public Lands History Center. Contact Maren at
Jim Bertolini - Senior Historic Preservation Planner#

Jim is passionate about exploring the relationship between historic preservation and sustainable communities. He holds both an undergraduate and graduate degree in History from Colorado State University, specializing in public history and historic preservation. Prior to working for the City of Fort Collins, he worked for the National Park Service, as the Historic Preservation Specialist for Aurora, Colorado, and on community-focused and research programs with the Nevada State Historic Preservation Office in Carson City. Contact Jim at
Yani Jones - Historic Preservation Planner#

Yani loves to dig into historical research, and she is passionate about the way historic preservation can help bring people together. She has a bachelor's degree in history/social studies teaching and a master's degree in public history, specializing in historic preservation, both from Colorado State University. Yani has worked as a social studies teacher in Thompson School District, as a historic preservationist and planner with the Town of Lyons, and as a preservation contractor prior to working for the City of Fort Collins. You can reach Yani at
Rebekah Schields - Historic Preservation Specialist#

Rebekah is fascinated with how the present built environment reflects past events, trends, and priorities. She holds a bachelor's degree in Anthropology from Montana State University and a master's degree in History from Colorado State University. In previous positions, Rebekah has worked for history-focused non-profits and as an architectural historian for private consulting firms. Contact Rebekah at
Historic Preservation Commission#
Staff at the City work diligently with members of the Historic Preservation Commission, a body of community members and specialists appointed by City Council to oversee the City's historic preservation program. Members bring both passion and unique skills and expertise related to historic buildings and how to take care of them. Below are a list of current members and their position/specialization:
HPC Membership#
- Jim Rose - Chair (application)
- Bonnie Gibson - Vice Chair (application)
- Margo Carlock (application)
- Jenna Edwards (application)
- David Woodlee (application)
- Chris Conway (application)
- Aaron Hull (application)
- Jeff Gaines (application)
Program History#
Since its beginning, Fort Collins' historic preservation program has had a holistic focus, aiming to preserve important reflections of history and culture, but also promote economic development through the adaptive reuse of historic buildings. Critical to the City's revitalization efforts was the designation of the Old Town Historic District in the National Register in 1978 followed by the creation of a smaller City Historic District in 1979, the first in the state. The result is one of the most vibrant, successful historic downtowns in the country. The Laurel School National Register Historic District, containing over 600 properties, was listed in the National Register in 1980. Sheely Drive Landmark District, listed by City Council in 2000, encompasses 11 properties, and is the first 1950s-era local landmark residential district designated in Colorado. Whitcomb Street Landmark District, designated by City Council in 2013, encompasses 14 properties, which together form a cohesive unit historically, architecturally, and developmentally.
In 1991, the City became a Certified Local Government (CLG), a federal designation from the National Park Service for meeting certain requirements for a local historic preservation program. CLG status allows the City of Fort Collins enhanced participation in state and federal preservation programs, such as stronger participation in the review of federal (or federally-supported) projects within city limits, access to a dedicated pool of federal grant funds. Status as a CLG also qualifies buildings designated as historic by City Council for Colorado's historic preservation tax credit program.
In 1994, the City adopted the Historic Resources Preservation Program Plan (HRPPP), which captures the city's mission, "to enhance the quality of life in Fort Collins by the preservation of historic resources and the inclusion of heritage in the daily life and development of the city and the community." The Demo/Alt Review Process was adopted in 1994. Due to the combined positive effect of the LPC Design Review Subcommittee, the Design Assistance Program, and other financial incentives, virtually all were resolved without the need to continue to a LPC Hearing.
Since the adoption of the HRPPP, the program has had two comprehensive reviews. First, Winter and Company completed the Historic Preservation Program Assessment and Implementation Plan in 2010. Between 2012 and 2014, Historic Preservation staff undertook a comprehensive evaluation of the City's Historic Preservation Program to enhance its transparency, predictability, and effectiveness. The 2010 improvement plan resulted in a set of code changes that City Council approved in 2014 (Municipal Code) and 2019 (Municipal Code and Land Use Code).
Historic Preservation Services has undertaken the writing and managing of over 70 historic preservation grants, translating into over $21,000,000.00 in direct and indirect revenue for preservation in the City. Staff efforts have resulted in tremendous national, state and local recognition for Fort Collins, including the city's status as a "Preserve America Community" by the White House; as a Take Pride in America Community; as the recipient of three Governor's Awards for Downtown Excellence, four State Honor Awards for historic preservation, and selection as a Dozen Distinctive Destination by the National Trust for Historic Preservation in 2010.

Historic Resources Preservation Program Plan (1994)
The City's first comprehensive plan for historic preservation, covering goals across all preservation activities, from identification and preservation of City Landmarks to education needs to help Fort Collins residents take care of their historic property.

Historic Preservation Program Assessment (2010)
An assessment of the operations of the Fort Collins historic preservation program to improve effectiveness and public benefit.

City Plan
Historic preservation is an integral part to the City of Fort Collins' vision moving forward to achieve the community's goals of "triple bottom line" sustainability, environmentally, socially, and economically. There are preservation-minded goals and strategies throughout the plan, but Principle LIV 10, under Neighborhood Livability and Social Health discusses historic preservation in more depth.