Retail Marijuana#
In Fort Collins, there are limitations on who may apply for retail marijuana licenses as follows:
- Only existing medical marijuana businesses (stores) in Fort Collins may apply for retail marijuana store licenses.
- A retail marijuana store license is only obtained through a transfer of ownership due to the license cap.
- The only persons who can apply for a retail marijuana cultivation license are those who have a retail marijuana store license or a retail marijuana products manufacturing license in Fort Collins (not elsewhere in Colorado).
- Anyone may apply for a retail marijuana product manufacturing license and may have an associated cultivation facility to supply the manufacturing facility.
- Anyone may apply for a retail marijuana testing facility license.
- Social Equity Applicants: Must FIRST submit a finding of suitability application with MED. Please do NOT submit any regulated marijuana business license application (including for an Accelerator License) until you have been found suitable as a Social Equity Licensee. Social Equity Licensees receive a fee reduction.
Active/Approved Retail Marijuana Licenses#
- Retail Marijuana Stores: 11
- Retail Marijuana Cultivations: 07
- Retail Marijuana Products Manufacturing Facilities: 06
- Retail Marijuana Testing Facilities: 0
- Retail Marijuana Business Operators:0
- Social Equity Licensee: 0
Application Process#
Pursuant to State Law, all applicants for a retail marijuana license must first apply to the State Marijuana Enforcement Division (MED). The MED will forward a copy of the application along with one-half of the application fee to the City of Fort Collins. Upon receipt, the City will review the application materials and contact the applicant to request additional materials as needed. In Fort Collins, the only new retail marijuana license applications being accepted (from someone other than a person already licensed as a medical marijuana store) are for marijuana products manufacturing facilities and cultivation facilities to supply marijuana to the products manufacturing facility.
Please refer to the application forms page for the local application checklists and application information to start this process.
The City Clerk's office is requesting all license applications be submitted via a secure link through email. Files must be submitted as PDFs. You must request the secure link.
Staff cannot:
- Provide any legal advice, including whether or not a business model may or may not work in Fort Collins. Please read the state and local laws and consult your own attorney.
- Make recommendations regarding the purchase of marijuana from particular businesses.
- Direct you to owners that may be interested in selling their business(es).