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Police Frequently Asked Questions#

If there's a crime in progress, an emergency, or a medical incident, call 9-1-1.

If it is a 'cold' crime or one that occurred overnight or several weeks ago and happened within the Fort Collins city limits, you can make an online report or you may call 970-221-6540.

For other non-emergencies, call 970-221-6540.

911 should be used for emergencies and/or when immediate police, fire or medical assistance is needed.  Examples of an emergency are when life and/or property are in immediate danger, a crime is in progress or has just occurred or when someone needs an ambulance. When calling 911, please stay on the line and try to remain calm with your information ready.

For more details, visit our About 911 page.

Accidents that occur outside the city limits need to be reported to the Colorado State Patrol by calling 303-239-4501. If you are involved in an accident occurring within the city limits, call Fort Collins Police Services by dialing 9-1-1 immediately if:

  • you suspect someone is injured,
  • the vehicles are extensively damaged and blocking the flow of traffic,
  • there is a fight or disagreement between parties involved, and/or
  • one (or more) of the drivers involved are suspected of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

If none of the above circumstances exist or the vehicles have been moved from the scene of the accident, you can report accidents online or call 970-221-6540 and select option 3. After normal business hours, please select option 7 to speak with someone in the Fort Collins 911 Emergency Communications Center.

If the accident has occurred on private property, then exchange information with the other driver involved as soon as possible, come to Fort Collins Police Services, 2221 S. Timberline Road, to file a report. The hours of service are 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. You will need your driver's license, vehicle registration, proof of insurance as well as the information on the other driver.

  1. Visit our Records Release page for information about obtaining copies of police reports and motor vehicle accidents.
  2. Copies of reports can also be purchased from the Records Division. Their hours of service are 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. For more information about purchasing a copy of a police report, contact the Records Division at 970-221-6540 during their business hours.

FCPS conducts VIN verifications by appointment only. For more information and to schedule, visit

You may call 911 or *CSP from your cell phone to report a drunk driver.

If calling from a cell phone, dial *277 or 303-239-4501 to report road rage. Information on aggressive drivers who are reported to the Colorado State Patrol (CSP) will be stored in a computer file. Drivers who are reported more than three times will receive a warning. If the situation calls for immediate attention, a CSP Trooper will be dispatched.

If the violation occurred within the city limits and is an ongoing problem with the same location or driver, call 970-221-6842 to reach our Traffic Unit. If it's a one-time occurrence, you can call 970-221-6540 option 3 for Dispatch. You will need to provide the following information when you call.

  • date and time of incident,
  • type of traffic violation (i.e. speeding, careless, etc.),
  • location of incident,
  • vehicle description,
  • description of driver, and
  • your name, address and phone number

To contact a specific police officer, call 970-221-6540.

You may mail your payment for the ticket to the address on the parking ticket or make an online payment. If you wish to contest the ticket, contact Parking Services at 215 N. Mason or by calling at 970-221-6617.

More info can be found on our homepage, or

For ticket and payment information, contact the Municipal Court at the First Floor of the 215 N. Mason building or by calling 970-221-6867. For program operational questions, contact the Traffic Unit at 970-221-6842

The Fort Collins Police Services Property/Evidence section releases property by appointment only. You can schedule an appointment by contacting 970-221-6835. For more information about retrieving property, please visit our Property/Evidence Unit page.

All information about people in jail can be obtained by calling the Larimer County Jail at 970-498-5225. This facility is operated by the Larimer County Sheriff's Office. Booking and other jail information is also available online at

Fort Collins Police Services does not issue restraining orders. You will need to contact a private attorney to assist you.

Do not call the Police Department or 911. All power outages need to be reported to Light & Power at 970-221-6710.

ORDINANCE 15-106 FOR PRIVATE PREMISES states that if a "NO TRESPASSING" or "NO SOLICITATION" sign is posted at or near entrance, all door-to-door solicitations are prohibited. If such a sign is not posted, then only charitable, religious, political, and newspaper and magazine subscription solicitations are permitted.

ORDINANCE 15-107 FOR PUBLIC PREMISES states that if a "NO TRESPASSING" OR "NO SOLICITATION" sign is posted, all door-to-door solicitations are prohibited. If no such sign is posted, then all door-to-door solicitations are permitted at a public premise.

NO fireworks are legal within the city limits, including sparklers. You can be issued a citation for using or possessing fireworks.

Colorado's Child Passenger Safety Laws (PDF 91KB) changed August 1, 2010

The street in front of your residence is considered public right-of-way and can be used by anyone for parking his or her vehicle. Unless otherwise posted by a traffic control device or sign, the Fort Collins Traffic Code does not limit the time motor vehicles may be parked on public streets. Rather, abandoned vehicles are prohibited from parking on the public right of way if they are unattended, inoperable or unregistered (note: an unmoved vehicle does not mean the vehicle is unattended). This code provision may found here:

Unless otherwise posted by a traffic control device or sign, the Fort Collins Traffic Code does not limit the time motor vehicles may be parked on public streets. Rather, abandoned vehicles are prohibited from parking on the public right of way if they are unattended, inoperable or unregistered (note: an unmoved vehicle does not mean the vehicle is unattended). This code provision may found here:

You may call Fort Collins Police Services at 970-221-6540 (option 3) to report an abandoned vehicle. 

You may call the graffiti hotline at 970-416-2400 to report graffiti. You can also email or use the online form available on the City of Fort Collins Graffiti page

You may register online at If you have questions about classes or liquor licensing, please contact the Fort Collins Police Alcohol/Tobacco Enforcement Officer at 970-416-2634.