Liquor License Changes#
Sidewalk Service Area Permit
Temporary or Permanent Modification of Premise
Change of Location
Change in Corporation or LLC
Corporate or Trade Name Changes
Mailing Address or Personal Name Change Notification
Surrender of License
Manager Registration
Sidewalk Service Area Permit#
Complete and submit the Permit Application & Report of Changes (DR 8442).
Complete Questionnaire#
Floor Plan#
- Provide 2 Floor diagrams (8½" x 11")
- (1) building premises (inside)
- (2) building premises with proposed Sidewalk Service Area.
- NOTE: Diagrams MUST be legible.
- Exact representation of the licensed premises
- Include length and width of exterior walls only.
- Include bars, walls, partitions, entrances/exits, storage.
- North orientation.
- Separate diagram for each floor (if multiple levels).
- Need not be to scale.
- Exterior areas must show type of fencing walls, etc.
- Provide 2 Floor diagrams (8½" x 11")
Pay Fees#
State Fee Portal
- Check or money order for $75.00 payable to the "Colorado Department of Revenue”.
State Fee Portal
Modification of Premise#
After a license has been issued, a licensee shall make no physical change, alteration or modification of the licensed premises without prior approval. The Colorado Code of Regulations has a list of what is considered (or not considered!) a modification of premise (Regulation 47-302).
Complete and submit the Permit Application & Report of Changes (DR 8442).
Floor Plan#
- Provide 2 Floor diagrams (8½" x 11")
- (1) building premises (inside)
- (2) building premises with proposed Sidewalk Service Area.
- NOTE: Diagrams MUST be legible.
- Exact representation of the licensed premises
- Include length and width of exterior walls only.
- Include bars, walls, partitions, entrances/exits, storage.
- North orientation.
- Separate diagram for each floor (if multiple levels).
- Need not be to scale.
- Exterior areas must show type of fencing walls, etc.
- Provide 2 Floor diagrams (8½" x 11")
Pay Fees#
City Fee Portal
- Check or money order for $75.00 payable to the "City of Fort Collins".
State Fee Portal
- Check or money order for $150.00 payable to the "Colorado Department of Revenue".
City Fee Portal
Appearance before Municipal Judge#
The Municipal Judge acts as the Liquor Licensing Authority. Hearings are generally held twice a month at 215 North Mason (1st floor).
The following is prohibited when appearing before the Judge:
- Wearing a hat
- Smoking
- Food or drink
- Telephones and pagers (must be turned off)
- Recording equipment (audio or video)
- Cameras
- Weapons (except on-duty police officers)
- Conversing during proceedings
- Profanity
When the Judge enters or leaves the Courtroom, everyone must stand. The Judge is to be addressed as ‘Your Honor’. Please dress professionally when appearing before the Judge. Deputy City Clerk Aimee Jensen attends all hearings and meetings.
Temporary Modification of Premises#
Complete Questionnaire#
Floor Plan#
- Provide 2 Floor diagrams (8½" x 11")
- (1) building premises (inside)
- (2) building premises with proposed Sidewalk Service Area.
- NOTE: Diagrams MUST be legible.
- Exact representation of the licensed premises
- Include length and width of exterior walls only.
- Include bars, walls, partitions, entrances/exits, storage.
- North orientation.
- Separate diagram for each floor (if multiple levels).
- Need not be to scale.
- Exterior areas must show type of fencing walls, etc.
- Provide 2 Floor diagrams (8½" x 11")
Pay Fees#
City Fee Portal
- Check or money order for $150.00 payable to the "City of Fort Collins".
State Fee Portal
- Check or money order for $300.00 payable to the "Colorado Department of Revenue".
City Fee Portal
Appearance before Municipal Judge#
The Municipal Judge acts as the Liquor Licensing Authority. Hearings are generally held twice a month at 215 North Mason (1st floor).
The following is prohibited when appearing before the Judge:
- Wearing a hat
- Smoking
- Food or drink
- Telephones and pagers (must be turned off)
- Recording equipment (audio or video)
- Cameras
- Weapons (except on-duty police officers)
- Conversing during proceedings
- Profanity
When the Judge enters or leaves the Courtroom, everyone must stand. The Judge is to be addressed as ‘Your Honor’. Please dress professionally when appearing before the Judge. Deputy City Clerk Aimee Jensen attends all hearings and meetings.
Change of Location#
Prior to moving your establishment (to another location within the city limits), you must complete this application.
Floor Plan#
- Provide 2 Floor diagrams (8½" x 11")
- (1) building premises (inside)
- (2) building premises with proposed Sidewalk Service Area.
- NOTE: Diagrams MUST be legible.
- Exact representation of the licensed premises
- Include length and width of exterior walls only.
- Include bars, walls, partitions, entrances/exits, storage.
- North orientation.
- Separate diagram for each floor (if multiple levels).
- Need not be to scale.
- Exterior areas must show type of fencing walls, etc.
- Provide 2 Floor diagrams (8½" x 11")
Pay Fees#
City Fee Portal
- Check or money order for $400.00 payable to the “City of Fort Collins”.
State Fee Portal
- Check or money order for $150.00 payable to the “Colorado Department of Revenue”.
City Fee Portal
Appearance before Municipal Judge#
The Municipal Judge acts as the Liquor Licensing Authority. Hearings are generally held twice a month at 215 North Mason (1st floor).
The following is prohibited when appearing before the Judge:
- Wearing a hat
- Smoking
- Food or drink
- Telephones and pagers (must be turned off)
- Recording equipment (audio or video)
- Cameras
- Weapons (except on-duty police officers)
- Conversing during proceedings
- Profanity
When the Judge enters or leaves the Courtroom, everyone must stand. The Judge is to be addressed as ‘Your Honor’. Please dress professionally when appearing before the Judge. Deputy City Clerk Aimee Jensen attends all hearings and meetings.
Change in Corporation or Limited Liability Company#
Any change to stockholders with a 10% or greater ownership interest, as well as officers, directors, managing members and members must be reported to the City. If you are adding anyone new, they will need to complete an Individual History Record and be fingerprinted. These applications are approved administratively by the Regulatory Licensing Specialist.
Report of Changes#
Complete the form Limited Liability Company and Corporate Report of Changes (DR 8177).
Individual History Record#
Complete the Individual History Record.
Authorization and Consent Form#
Submit the Authorization and Consent Form.
Electronic Fingerprinting#
-, set up an account to schedule an appointment to get fingerprinted using 6192LLQH as the CBI unique ID.
-, enter code 25YQ6K on the first screen, then click on schedule or manage appointment and follow the instructions. The unique CBI code for this business is CONCJ6192.
Pay Fees#
City Fee Portal
- Check or money order in the amount of $100 per individual (requiring background investigation) payable to the "City of Fort Collins".
City Fee Portal
Submit Materials#
Send materials to
Corporate or Trade Name Changes#
Any changes to an establishment's trade name (the name that the public sees on the outside of the premise) or corporate name changes must be reported. The State requires a fee, please refer to their website for their fees; however, there is no fee for the City. These applications are approved administratively by the Regulatory Licensing Specialist.
Complete and submit the Permit Application & Report of Changes (DR 8442).
Pay Fees#
State Fee Portal
- State Fee - $50.00
- NOTE: Save a copy of payment receipt
State Fee Portal
Submit Materials#
Send application and payment receipt to
Mailing Address or Personal Name Change Notification#
STEP 1: Complete Form#
Complete the Change Of Mailing Address/Name Notification (DR 8009) form.
STEP 2: Submit Materials#
Send application and payment receipt to
Surrender of License#
Any licensee that wishes to surrender their license may do so by emailing a completed form and the State and City license to Aimee Jensen, City Clerk's Office, P.O. Box 580, Fort Collins, CO 80522.
Complete Affidavit#
Complete the Affidavit for Surrender of State Liquor License.
Submit Materials#
Email completed form and the State and City license to Aimee Jensen, City Clerk's Office, P.O. Box 580, Fort Collins, CO 80522.
Manager Registration#
Complete and submit the Permit Application & Report of Changes (DR 8442).
Pay Fees#
Pay the State fee online at the State Fee Portal.
Manager's Registration (Hotel & Restaurant) - $30.00
Manager's Registration (Tavern) - $30.00
Manager's Registration (Lodging Facility) - $30.00
Manager’s Registration (Entertainment Facility) - $30.00
Change of Manager (Other Licenses pursuant to section 44-3-301(8), C.R.S.) - No Fee
NOTE: Save a copy of payment receipt
Submit Materials#
Email the completed application and State Fee receipt to
Meet with our Regulatory Licensing Specialist, Aimee Jensen.