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Liquor Permits#


NOTE: Deadline for Liquor Special Event Permit applications is 60 days prior to your event. 

Special event permits, which allow the sale of alcohol beverages by the drink, may be issued by local and state licensing authorities to qualifying entities. 

To qualify for a permit you must be incorporated under the laws of the State of Colorado for purposes of a social, fraternal, patriotic, political, or athletic nature, and not for pecuniary gain; a regularly chartered branch, lodge, or chapter of a national organization or society organized for such purposes and being nonprofit in nature; a regularly established religious or philanthropic institution; or a political candidate who has filed the necessary reports and statements with the Secretary of State pursuant to Article 45, Title 1, C.R.S.  

Permits are issued for a specific location and are not transferable to any other location or entity. A special events permit may not be issued to any entity for more than 15 days in a calendar year. 

Sandwiches or other food snacks must be available during all hours of service of malt, vinous, or spirituous liquors.  

Special Event Permits


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Takeout & Delivery


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Bed & Breakfast


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Tasting Permit


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Retail Warehouse


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Special Event Permits#


Complete the Special Event Permit Questionnaire.

Proof of Possession of Property#

Floor diagram of premises (8 ½” x 11” only). 

  • Must be an exact representation of the licensed premises
  • Include length and width of perimeter.
  • Include bars, walls, partitions, entrances/exits, storage.
  • North orientation.
  • Separate diagram for each floor (if multiple levels).
  • Need not be to scale.
  • Exterior areas must show type of fencing, walls, barriers, etc.  

Written Permission to use the premises. 

  • Written permission must be granted to the same organization that is applying for the permit.
  • Owner/Landlord must acknowledge that alcohol will be served on the premises.  

Certificate of Good Standing#

Save Certificate of Good Standing documentation.

Contract Copies#

Fully executed copies of any contracts with promoters, sponsors or advertisers associated with this event.

Liquor Liability Insurance#

Liquor Liability Insurance Certificate (required if the event is being held on City owned property) 

Posting Notice#

Applicants must prepare and post notice of Special Events Permit application in accordance with attached wording. 

  • POSTER SIZE: Must be at least 22" wide and 26" high, composed of letters not less than one (1) inch in height. [§ 44-3-311(2), C.R.S.] 

Complete affidavit of posting with a picture of the sign posted. Return to City Clerk's Office directly after posting. 

  • (Photo of sign posted at location must be provided with this completed affidavit.) 

Fee Schedule#

Check or Money order payable to "City of Fort Collins" or via City Pay Portal for: Malt, Vinous and Spirituous Liquor permit ($50.00 per day) 

Takeout & Delivery#


If you hold an on-premise liquor license and allow takeout and delivery, you are required to complete the Takeout and Delivery Permit Application & Renewal form and email it to the State's liquor enforcement division at

The State requires an initial application and renewal fee to accompany this application.  


If you hold a Retail Liquor Store or Liquor-licensed Drugstore license and deliver alcohol to your customers, you are required to complete the Delivery Permit Application & Renewal and email it to the State's liquor enforcement division at

Currently, there are no City fees associated with this application.

State Online Pay Portal

Bed & Breakfast#

Proof of Possession of Property#

  • Deed (or) Lease.
  • Floor diagram (8½" x 11" only).
    • Must be an exact representation of the licensed premises
    • Include length and width of exterior walls only.
    • Include bars, walls, partitions, entrances/exits, storage.
    • North orientation.
    • Separate diagram for each floor (if multiple levels).
    • Need not be to scale.
    • Exterior areas must show type of fencing walls, etc. 

Business Documentation#

Corporate (if applicable): 

  • Certificate of Good Standing dated within last two years.
  • Articles of Organization. 

Partnership (if applicable): 

  • Partnership agreement (except for husband-wife partnerships)
  • Certificate of co-partnership (if applicable). 

Limited Liability Company (if applicable): 

  • Certificate of Good Standing dated within last two years.
  • Articles of Organization.
  • Attach copy of operating agreement (required if OTHER than sole member LLC or husband and wife LLC).  

Fee Schedule#

Check or money order for $50.00 payable to "City of Fort Collins" or via City Pay Portal.

Check or money order for $71.25 payable to "Colorado Department of Revenue" or via State Pay Portal.

Tasting Permit#


Complete the Tasting Permit Application.

Proof of Training#

List of employees that have completed required training, including date when training was completed. 

  • Tastings shall be conducted only by a person who has completed a server training program that meets the standards established by the Liquor Enforcement Division in the Department of Revenue and who is either a retail liquor store licensee or a liquor-licensed drugstore licensee, or an employee of a licensee, and only on a licensed premise. 

Attach a written Control Plan demonstrating how tastings will be conducted to ensure compliance with applicable requirements. Include diagrams if necessary. 

List of Scheduled Tasting#

Tasting Schedule Template

Tasting Log Template

  • Schedule must include dates, times of tastings, and assigned server.
  • The licensee may deviate from the approved schedule provided that:
    • (1) the licensee gives the City Clerk and the City’s liquor enforcement officer seven (7) days prior written notice of such deviation; and
    • (2) such deviation does not violate any provision of the City Code, the Colorado Liquor Code, Code of Regulations or any other state law or municipal ordinance or regulation 

Pay Fees#

Initial Application Fee $150 OR Renewal Application Fee $50. 

  • Payable by check or money order to "City of Fort Collins" or via City Pay Portal.

Retail Warehouse#


Complete the Instruction Sheet for Permit Application and Report of Changes.

Pay Fees#

There is no City fee, only a State fee payable via the State Online Pay Portal.

Be sure to include the State receipt with your application.

Submit Materials#

Email the completed application to, then make an appointment for staff to review your application.

Online Self Service#

State Pay Portal

State Pay Portal


Pay State Fees

City Pay Portal

City Pay Portal


Pay City Fees & Violations