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Regulations Regarding Radar/Red Light Citations#

General Radar/Red Light Citations#

Camera Radar/Red Light citations are issued by Fort Collins Police Services. The Municipal Court processes any cases filed by local enforcement agencies which include Camera Radar/Red Light violations.

Based on the current state law, there are no points assessed on your drivers license for Camera Radar/Red Light citation unless your alleged speed is 25 miles or more over the speed limit. If your speed was in excess of 25 miles over the speed limit, you will be cited with a 6 point speeding citation and given an arraignment date to appear in court. A court appearance is mandatory for six-point speeding citation.

The current process is as follows:

  • Photos and video links are sent with the first notice of your violation which is sent via regular mail.
  • If you fail to pay or appear by the "respond by" date listed in that notice, a second notice may be sent via regular mail.
  • If you fail to respond, you may be personally served by a Certified Peace Officer with a citation and complaint which will include an arraignment date.
  • If you plead guilty or are found guilty after such service, a minimum $45 service cost will be assessed, in addition to any fines or other costs.
  • If you wish to contest the service charge, you must come to the Municipal Court to file a Motion to Waive the Service Cost. If your motion is denied, a Service Cost Hearing Date will be scheduled.

If you wish to plead guilty and pay your citation, you may bring payment in person to the Fort Collins Municipal Court Clerks' Office.  You may also pay online at

If you are the registered owner of the vehicle but were not driving the vehicle when the photo was taken, you have three options to address this citation:

  1. If you just want to pay the violation for the driver, you may send in the Option #1 slip, the citation will remain in the original persons name, no correction will be made. 0 point citations are not reported to the State of Colorado and will not show on your Driver License History.
  2. If you know who the driver is and want them to take responsibility for the violation but don't want to pay it for that person, return the correct portion of the violation with the driver's name and address filled in. We will dismiss the case in your name, and it may be reissued to the identified driver.
  3. If you don't know who the driver is or don't want to identify the driver, you can file a Motion on your case. *Include with all Motions a clear copy of your driver's license*. The Prosecutor will review the case. If the prosecutor agrees with your motion, the case will be forwarded to the Municipal Court Judge for a decision. If the prosecutor objects to your motion, your case may be scheduled for trial. You must file a completed paper motion or complete the online process. You can request a motion by emailing the Clerk's office, completing the generic motion form located under the "forms tab" on this website, or appear in-person at the Clerk's office to complete and file you motion.
  4. If you wish to contest your violation, you may request that it be set for trial at the Clerk's Office during normal business hours. The trial date will be scheduled within 91 days of the date you plead "not guilty." 

With the exception of 25+ MPH over the speed limit violations, if you do not appear for arraignment or trial, you will be found guilty by default. A default judgment will be entered against you and a letter will then be mailed to you explaining the amount due and your options. If you still do not address the citation,  your case will be turned over for collection and may appear on your credit report.

25+ MPH over the speed limit violations are misdemeanors. Misdemeanors are criminal in nature. Therefore, a bench warrant may issued for your arrest if you fail to appear.

For more information regarding Clerk's office at (970) 221-6867.

AVIS Camera Radar-Red Light Report#

2024 Report