Fall colors are blossoming, temperatures are supposed to start cooling, and yard chores are winding down (until the leaves drop!). See what the latest news is around Fort Collins.
Leaves will soon be falling!#

One of the goals of the City is to provide safe, clean, and environmentally friendly street right-of-ways for our residents and community. Leaves will soon start to fall, and while we understand that placing leaves on City right-of-ways may be convenient, this is not a safe or legal area to put them as it negatively effects the movement of storm water and clogs the City street sweepers.
With the new City trash program starting September 30, many residents have access to free yard waste containers that will be picked up weekly by Republic Services (yard waste service runs from April through November). The leaves and other items from your yard will be composted, keeping them out of the landfill and eventually benefiting soil elsewhere. Additional solutions for disposing of leaves, such as composting in your yard, can be found here.
If you cannot rake your own leaves and do not have someone in your life who can help, the nonprofit A Little Help may be your solution. If you are 55+ and need help with yardwork or snow shoveling, click here for more information on how A Little Help can assist.
Neighborhood Night Out 2024 - fun facts & events#

Did you know that Neighborhood Night Out started in Fort Collins in 2001 and has been running for 23 years each August? NNO has been a staple in the Fort Collins community as a way to bring neighbors together through fun “parties with a purpose.” This year, NNO saw new and exciting activities across the City in over 40 neighborhoods!
NNO 2024 Fun Facts:
- Neighborhoods this year all identified their “Neighborhood Type,” fun categories we created of the special things a neighborhood might be or want to be more like. The most common "Neighborhood Type" this year was Foodies!
- The most popular event this year was potluck, with a total of eight parties hosting them.
- A favorite potluck activity across neighborhoods was swapping family recipes, with some communities even creating neighborhood recipe books.
New event activities this year included:
- Pet costume parade
- E-bike race
- Rain barrel installation workshop
- Neighborhood scavenger hunt
What can you make happen in your neighborhood? Start planning for NNO 2025 now!
Mobile home park news - latest updates#

- Mi Voz ("My Voice") is a Leadership Development and community engagement program dedicated to making positive changes in mobile home parks and the North College corridor by utilizing community strengths to create community solutions. Resident leaders from various MHPs in Fort Collins work together to address issues in numerous parks, provide educational information to residents, and host a number of meetings where residents can interact with government and nonprofit agencies. If you'd like to find out more information about Mi Voz, click here.
- Earlier this month a meeting for mobile home park residents was held to provide information on pertinent legislative updates. One of our speakers, State Representative Andrew Boesenecker, was a prime sponsor of House Bill 24-1294 which helps to strengthen and clarify MHP resident rights and improve language accessibility. Rep. Boesenecker also sponsored House Bill 24-1334, Broadband Service for Multiunit Buildings, that allows broadband providers such as the City's Connexion to install service in mobile home parks. We'll keep you informed once more information becomes available.
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month!#

National Hispanic Heritage Month, which runs September 15 through October 15, celebrates the cultures that have so positively influenced our nation and society. Some local events:
- The City of Fort Collins' Gardens on Spring Creek will be hosting a Latiné & Hispanic Heritage Celebration event on Saturday, October 5. This free, family-friendly event includes music, storytelling, food, and so much more. Join the fun and celebrate!
- Teatro Latino Storytelling Pop-ups: This series of storytelling performances based on Fort Collins community members will be held at the Center for Creativity, 200 Mathews Street. There will be Friday and Sunday performances in October, and interpretation will be available as performances will include Spanish and English dialogue.
We want your feedback on Land Use Code Phase 2#
Phase 2 of the City’s comprehensive Land Use Code updates is now underway! This phase is focused on enabling more mixed-use development, especially along commercial corridors and within commercial centers.
Members of the community are invited to engage with the City’s Community Development and Neighborhood Services team and share feedback about Phase 2’s portion of the City’s Land Use Code. Share your feedback and get involved here: https://fcgov.com/landusecodephase2
You can also visit us at one of our upcoming neighborhood visits:
- Visit 1: Friday, Oct. 4, 4 p.m. - 6 p.m.: 3601 S. Shields St. (The Crossing Church parking lot; attendees will walk to Poudre Valley Shopping Center during the event)
- Visit 2: Monday, Oct. 7, 4 p.m. - 6 p.m.: 1950 Jessup Dr. (Jessup Farm Artisan Village)
- Visit 3: Wednesday, Oct. 9, 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.: 4633 S. Timberline Rd. (Harmony Crossing shopping center, in the Texas Roadhouse parking lot)
- Visit 4: Thursday, Oct. 10, 4 p.m. - 6 p.m.: 2201 S. College Ave. (Whole Foods Market)
- Visit 5: Saturday, Oct. 12, 1 p.m. - 3 p.m.: 2601 S. Lemay Ave. (Scotch Pines Shopping Center)
- Visit 6: Monday, Oct. 14, 4 p.m. - 6 p.m.: 1033 S. Taft Hill Rd. (Cups Community Coffee)
Every word with a neighbor counts#

A wave or an offer to open a door can go a long way toward showing a neighbor you care. Small conversations can also be opportunities to resolve or prevent conflict and maintain relationships.
- When a young couple moved next door to Lucile, she noticed lots of new noise. When Lucile asked them about the noise one day in the hall, they dismissed her concerns. The next time she heard noise, she called the police because talking with the neighbors hadn’t gone as hoped. The couple felt they were being harassed when the police came to their door.
- They agreed to mediate. Before mediation, they ran into each other outside their homes and spoke. Lucile shared that some things they said had triggered her anxiety about living alone as a senior. The couple said they never meant to make her feel scared or insulted. They were able to talk about life in their building where people may experience the impacts of anxiety and isolation. They learned what hours Lucille was most sensitive to noise and agreed on how to communicate if it happened unintentionally. They left knowing they were interested in supporting one another.
At the City's mediation program Conflict Transformation Works we often hear about what happens between neighbors on the sidewalk or in the hallway. These can be some of the best times to prevent conflict and improve relationships.
Know what's happening and FUN!#

Want to keep yourself, friends and neighbors informed about happenings around town? Get updates on City events and fun activities in the area by checking out the calendar for City-organized events: https://www.fcgov.com/events/
Spring 2024 Neighborhood News#

Spring is here, and while the weather is still cold, blooming flowers and blue skies are on the horizon! We’ve got a packed newsletter for you full of exciting details about upcoming events and helpful tips to prepare for spring. In this newsletter, you’ll find the following articles:
- NNO – Celebrate Your Neighborhood!
- Meet Neighborhood Services' Rental Housing Team
- Round 2 of Mini-Grants
- Now Available - Rental Property & Mobile Home Grants
- Block Party Trailer - What's New in 2024
- Those Dogs Will Bark! Taking a Relationship-based Approach
- Dandelions, Tall Grass & Weeds--Oh, My!
- FREE Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off May 18th
- Planning Academy Returns in June
- Free Plants? Check Out the Xeriscape Incentive Program
- Eviction Legal Fund Highlights
NNO - Celebrate Your Neighborhood!#

Since 2001, Neighborhood Night Out (NNO) has been an opportunity for neighbors across Fort Collins to get outside and connect with their community by hosting "parties with a purpose”, combining fun-filled social events with educational or community service activities.
This year, we invite you to plan a NNO event that celebrates your neighborhood's unique character! To help you plan a personalized NNO event, we’ve created some "Neighborhood Types” that describe some of the special things your neighborhood might be or want to be more like. You can select your “type” based on the descriptions below! You can then find corresponding activity ideas for each “type” on our website along with event planning tips. Collaborate with neighbors to organize themed events aligned with your neighborhood type.
You will be asked to identify your neighborhood type and activity on your NNO registration form. Participating neighborhoods are eligible for higher NNO mini-grant awards, assistance from City staff with your event, and priority visits from City staff.
Neighborhood Types:
- Sustain-a-ville: My neighborhood embraces sustainability, conservation, and environmental stewardship.
- Kids at Play: We’re a child-centric community that values all-ages, family activities.
- Foodies: My neighbors and I bond over cookouts, shared meals, and getting to know each other through food.
- Funky Town: My neighborhood celebrates arts and culture, whether through outdoor concerts or paint parties.
- Diverse & Divine: We want to embrace justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) work and celebrate our existing diversity.
- We Like to Move It, Move It: Active and outdoorsy, my neighborhood is always on the go, biking, walking, or working out.
- Sweet Tooth: Let my neighborhood eat cake! We love all things sweet like dessert potlucks or ice cream socials.
- Very Wise & A Little Wild: With an active senior population, my neighborhood knows how to have fun.
- Whisker Watchers: We’re pet-friendly and wild about wildlife.
NNO will take place on Saturday, August 10th, 2024. Limited grant funding is available for NNO events; apply between April 15 - June 15, 2024. For inquiries or to join the NNO email list, reach out to us at nsprograms@fcgov.com.
Meet Neighborhood Services' Rental Housing Team#

Did you know that about half of all households in Fort Collins are renters? Renters and housing providers are an important part of the City’s vision that “everyone has healthy, stable housing they can afford” and now there’s a team dedicated to supporting rental housing in our community!
In addition to providing complaint-based rental inspections (a program that has been around for 20+ years), our team will be rolling out new educational programs to help both housing providers and renters understand their rights, responsibilities, and resources, new registration requirements for most housing providers, and new grant funding opportunities to help improve our rental housing stock.
Read below to meet the new team, and visit fcgov.com/rentalhousing for more information.
In order of the images above:
- Misti Gonzales is our Senior Coordinator for Rental Housing. She will be managing the rental registration system, and assisting housing providers and renters with accessing resources.
- Estrella Nolasco is our Education and Outreach Specialist. Estrella and will be developing new programs and educational opportunities for both housing providers and tenants.
- Austin Dyer is our Lead Rental Inspector. He works closely with renters and housing providers to identify safety issues, and ensure rental properties meet our minimum standards.
- Alyssa Stephens is the Rental Housing Manager. She will be supporting community policies and programs that support healthy, stable rental housing in our community.
Round 2 of Mini-Grants#
Round 2 of the 2024 Neighborhood Mini-Grant season is about to begin, with applications opening on April 15th! The application will be open through May 26th, and award decisions will be announced in early June.
The goal of our Neighborhood Mini-Grants Program is to provide financial assistance to positive neighboring activities and community improvements.
- These are competitive grants with awards typically $150-$1000.
- Residents within City limits, HOAs, residents associations, and nonprofits can apply.
- Past projects have included neighborhood cleanups, fitness classes, community gardens, workshops and more!
Though writing a grant may seem intimidating, it isn't! We encourage first-time applicants to thoroughly review the information on our website and to ask any outstanding questions by emailing us at nsprograms@fcgov.com. You can do it, and we are here to help!
Now Available - Rental Property & Mobile Home Grants#

Grant funding for mobile homes and rental property are now available! Apply for up to $7000 in grant funding to repair or improve your mobile home or rental property. Applications are due by April 16th at 5 p.m.
Eligible projects include:
- Furnaces
- Air conditioners or evaporative ("swamp") coolers
- Skirting
- Water heaters
- Decks, stairs, and handrails
- Insulation
- Weather proofing
- Electric upgrades
Please contact RentalHousing@fcgov.com with any questions.
Block Party Trailer - What's New in 2024#
A neighborhood block party is a wonderful way to connect the residents of your neighborhood and create a sense of community and connection. The block party trailer, a "party in a box", is available for free for your community event and includes street blockades, tables, yard games, an inflatable movie screen and projector, and more! You can request the block party trailer at the Block Party Trailer Request Form.
Want to close off a street for your block party? A separate block party permit is required to request closing streets for a block party. Starting in 2024, street closures are only allowed on certain streets. Along with filling out the Block Party Trailer Request Form, complete a Block Party Permit Application for block parties with eligible street closures.
All available locations to host a block party with street closures can be found using this map, any area outlined in green is an allowed location. Please look at this map to select a location before submitting your application.
Important Dates:
Trailer requests open on April 1st for “Opportunity Neighborhoods” and May 1st citywide.
Neighborhoods may request the trailer for events taking place on weekends in June through September, though certain blackout dates apply on holiday weekends and during Neighborhood Night Out. Requests are filled on a first-come, first-served basis, though preference will be given to designated "Opportunity Neighborhoods" and neighborhoods requesting the block party trailer for the first time,
Those Dogs Will Bark! Taking a Relationship-based Approach#

Conflict Transformation Works, formerly Mediation & Restorative Justice Services, is a program of Neighborhood Services. We can help you start a Mediation with your neighbor about changing animal (and human) behavior.
This Spring, as windows open and pets begin spending more time outdoors, we’ll begin to feel the impacts of our neighbor’s choices. It’s worthwhile to take a relationship-based approach to talking with neighbors when there’s a problem such as dogs barking.
When we’re affected by a neighbor’s behavior, the first thing to do is give ourselves time and space to be calm. From a calm place, we’re more able to do 3 things:
- Approach the person with kindness and curiosity
- Assume they’ll respond well to what we have to say
- Focus on the impact to you rather than what they should/shouldn’t do
From there, we can use these relationship-based suggestions for telling them about a problem:
- Ask if this is a good time to talk: “Do you have a few minutes?”
- Introduce yourself: “I’m your neighbor from _____.”
- Offer some friendly observations or kind words: “Thanks for holding the door for me the other day.”
- Let them know how you’re affected, focusing on the impact to you: “You may not be aware of this, but I’m getting woken up by the dog barking when you let them outside at night.”
- Let them know you’re looking for help to figure out what to do from here: “Would you join me in solving this problem?”
- Make a communication plan together that is mutually acceptable, such as texting, calling, stopping by. If appropriate, offer the Humane Society website list of tips: NoCo Humane Society tips for barking
If you need support on approaching the situation, or if the initial conversation does not go well, we offer one-on-one conflict coaching. Please call us at 970-224-6022 or use our website form.
Dandelions, Tall Grass & Weeds--Oh, My!#

Dandelions, other weeds, and grasses will soon be seen sprouting throughout the City, along with your favorite spring flowers. During this time of year, the City’s Neighborhood Services Department often receives reports from residents expressing concerns about yard maintenance (or lack thereof) in their neighborhoods. Like many communities, City of Fort Collins Municipal Code contains a weed/grass height restrictions of six (6) inches on developed residential and commercial properties and twelve (12) inches on undeveloped properties.
Code Compliance Inspectors are out in neighborhoods responding to complaints and proactively writing for code violations, such as seasonal tall weeds and grasses. If your lawn becomes too overgrown, you may receive a letter from the City that asks that you mow within a seven-day period. If the weeds and grasses have not been cut by then, the City can work with homeowners on a reasonable extension. After that, the City may send a licensed contractor out to mow the property, and the owner will be billed for the work completed.
Friendly communication with your neighbors regarding issues is highly encouraged and a good starting point for keeping your neighborhood beautiful. Maybe your neighbor is sick at home or is unable to mow their yard themselves. If you’re already out doing your own lawn, you may want to consider asking your neighbor if you could mow their area where there's high growth.
That said, if you are experiencing ongoing issues around weed management or yard maintenance, or for general information, feel free to contact your neighborhood’s Code Compliance Inspector at (970) 224-6046, or click here for more information.
The City of Fort Collins actively promotes and supports the growth of pollinator habitat across the community. Residents are advised to contact Neighborhood Services/Code Compliance if they choose to participate in No Mow May.
FREE Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off May 18th#

Household hazardous waste (HHW) is any substance containing ingredients that could negatively affect your safety, health (or that of a pet/animal) or the environment when disposed of incorrectly. You might be surprised at the items that are considered HHW, such as personal care products like shampoo and vitamins/supplements.
Disposing of HHW can be tricky, and these free events help take out the guesswork. For information on what items are and are not accepted, click here and on the FAQs for further details and other disposal options if you can't make this event.
Saturday, May 18, 2024
9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
City of Fort Collins Streets Facility
625 Ninth St.
Fort Collins
Planning Academy Returns in June#

Planning Academy, hosted by Neighborhood Services and City Planning, will return this June for community members interested in learning more about the way Fort Collins plans for healthy and sustainable development. During four class sessions, hosted on Monday evenings in June, students will learn about different topics related to city planning, from how staff and elected officials work to design the long-range vision for the city, to the development review process which is required before the construction of any buildings can start. The Academy will also offer time to learn about some related city work, including affordable housing, historic preservation and environmental planning. At the end of the term, students will have the opportunity to hold their own mock Planning and Zoning Commission hearing to dive into the City’s rules for building and using land in Fort Collins and how they apply in real life.
This course is designed to introduce you to planning and no prior knowledge is needed to join. The purpose of the Academy is to provide you with the knowledge and tools to make an impact on how Fort Collins and your neighborhood changes into the future. We look forward to seeing you there!
Class sessions will be held Mondays in June from 6-8 p.m. Register before May 1 here.
June 3 – Session 1: Long Range Planning
June 10 – Session 2: Development Review
June 17 – Session 3: City department open house
June 24 – Session 4: Mock Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing
Free Plants? Check Out the Xeriscape Incentive Program#

Free Plants? Check Out the Xeriscape Incentive Program
Spring is here, and the Xeriscape Incentive Program is offering free classes and events to help you learn how you can design and install a sustainable landscape.
Class series will be starting in April, and in May, the program will offer free xeriscape garden tours to learn from residents who've DIYed their landscapes. In June, join us for the Xeriscape Garden Party and Native Plant Swap where you can bring home free plants! Volunteers and community members grow around 3000 plants for this event. You don't have to bring plants to take plants home. Everyone is welcome to participate, and we encourage gardeners who have extra plants to dig and donate.
Learn more here about upcoming classes and events.
If you are a Fort Collins Utilities customer, you may be eligible for up to a $1000 rebate to replace turf with waterwise landscaping. Questions? Email: xeriscape@fcgov.com
Eviction Legal Fund Highlights#

The Eviction Legal Fund is a grant fund for legal service providers that improves housing stability by offering free representation, education, and mediation for housing-related cases. Neighborhood Services is currently administering this important legal fund for our community. Since its inception in 2019, the Eviction Legal Fund has continued to grow and change lives of Fort Collins residents.
In 2023, the Eviction Legal Fund achieved several milestones:
- The program reached 1,563 people.
- Eviction proceedings with court involvement were resolved without an eviction in 94% of the cases.
- The program kept an average of 3 families per week housed through legal representation and helped landlords and tenants reach mutual agreements to end their disputes rather than going to court.
To access this program, please contact:
- Colorado Poverty Law Project: contact@copovertylawproject.org
- ISAAC NOCO: (970) 541-1251 or contact@isaacnoco.org
Winter 2023 Neighborhood News#
'Tis the season for bundling up for chilly (and windy) walks and thinking of a year gone by and the brightness of the new year ahead. We at Neighborhood Services wish you peace and happiness and to know we are here to help build community, always with you in mind!

Did you know that Fort Collins has a code requiring residents to keep their sidewalks adjacent to the street “free and clear of snow and ice” within 24 hours of accumulation? And that any accumulation could be considered a violation as there is no minimum amount?
This ordinance and expectation can be burdensome for the elderly and disabled in our community. If you have a neighbor for whom this is the case, please work with the other neighbors to share the load and keep the walks clear for that individual. If you are in need of help and are unable to find someone to assist you, contact A Little Help, 970-412-9396, to apply for the Adopt-a-Neighbor program--they will try to find a willing and able volunteer for you. And if you're interested in helping others in need of shoveling or other assistance, feel free to contact A Little Help as they'd be happy to accept more volunteers!
Here are a few tips to keep your sidewalk safe:
- Try to shovel before foot traffic hits your sidewalk.
- Keep some ice-melt on hand for the stubborn spots.
- If water pools on your walk and turns to ice, apply a substantial amount of sand or kitty litter. If water is pooling due to a drainage issue or ice build up in the gutter, call the Streets Department at 970-221-6615.
- If you are on a corner, be sure to clear the corner ramps.
- Clearing the patch across the driveway is much easier before it has been packed down by a vehicle’s tires.
- If you are planning to be out of town, be sure to make arrangements with a friend, family member, neighbor or landlord (in the case of a rental).
- If City snow plows have pushed snow onto your shoveled sidewalk, call the Streets Department at 970-221-6615.
Fort Collins is a pedestrian friendly town. When we get snow, walking can be challenging, not only for able-bodied folks but especially for the elderly, disabled, and the young among us. Please play a positive part in our community by shoveling your sidewalk when it snows.
Resolving Conflicts Over Snow Shoveling & Other Issues#

Two people met in mediation to talk about snow removal. Andy thought no one cared much about the snow and ice, it would be gone soon anyway. Andy’s assumption led him to slack on shoveling. At the mediation, Michael shared that it was a slipping hazard for kids and senior neighbors, causing a lot of stress in the winter. Michael assumed Andy didn’t care about his neighbors’ well-being. When Michael shared the impacts with Andy at the mediation, he was able to see why shoveling snow is important. They agreed they both care about each other’s well-being and Andy agreed to follow the city’s requirement to remove snow within 24 hours. Assumptions around snow removal and weeds can drive division between people, especially when behavior affects one neighbor more than the other.
The free and confidential Mediation Program is available to you for conflict transformation among neighbors, housing providers and renters, and roommates! Contact us at 970-224-6022 or write to mediation@fcgov.com. For more information, visit www.fcgov.com/mediation.
Candlelight Vigil for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration#

In collaboration with Colorado State University and other community partners, the City of Fort Collins is hosting a citywide candlelight vigil in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on Monday, January 15. The City’s Neighborhood Services Department invites neighbors across Fort Collins to set battery-powered tea light luminaries along sidewalks and driveways as an act of remembrance and solidarity with the work of Dr. King, past civil rights leaders, and those who continue to fight for social justice today. (#FOCOMLK2024)
These small lights throughout our city seek to honor the words of Dr. King when he said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
To request luminary materials for your home or business to participate in the vigil, please fill out the form at this link. Please note that supplies are limited.
If you would like to purchase your own materials similar to those provided by the City for the celebration, you will need white paper lunch bags and flameless/battery-powered tea lights, which can be obtained locally at grocery stores or online.
For more information about other activities in Fort Collins celebrating the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., please visit mlkfortcollins.org.
Mini-Grants Round 1 Opens February 1st!#

Neighborhood Mini-Grants help foster positive relationships and a sense of community pride through engagement and inclusion of neighbors. Grants support sustainability-focused neighborhood events, workshops, and projects that bring neighbors together. The Round 1 application process opens on February 1st, and a special Mini-Grants newsletter will go out around that time to provide a reminder and the 2024 Mini-Grants schedule. In the meantime, check out of Mini-Grants page for more details.
Be in the Know!#

Want to keep yourself, friends and neighbors informed about happenings around town? Here are several ways to get updates on City activities and fun events in the area. Click on the topics below to find the plethora of options available.
Wow, this year has gone by rather quickly! It's already fall and, thankfully, the preponderance of rain is providing a display of colors that will continue to blossom over the next few weeks. Please go outside and enjoy the beautiful Colorado weather!
Mini-Grants Help Make a Difference#

Neighborhood Services provides mini-grant funding opportunities several times a year for various projects that help build community. Building community means something different to every neighborhood depending on their needs. For some, it means giving residents a fun social event to enjoy together, and for others it means residents coming together to clean up the neighborhood or build a community notice board.
As summer comes to a close, we want to highlight a couple of the mini-grant recipients who made the most of their community-building opportunity. Our summer mini-grants saw residents gathering outside to improve their neighborhoods, with several grant recipients choosing to install new benches, tables, and community notice boards to gather around. Others took the opportunity to launch educational projects, with subjects such as local bat species and how to safely use eBikes around town. In particular, we want to highlight the work done by residents at Skyline Mobile Home Park, a 55+ community that created a wildflower and memorial garden from an area that was previously just bare rocks. Led by resident Rick Lydon, a retired educator, community members participated in design, digging, weeding, and donation of plants and artwork, including rock sculptures that defy the laws of physics! This fall Skyline residents will also be invited to memorialize deceased loved ones by painting stones that can be placed in the garden, enabling the site to also be a place for reflection.
Our mini-grant program has concluded for the year, but information about next year's Neighborhood Mini-Grants will be available in February 2024! Stay tuned to the Neighborhood Grants page for info and announcements!
Turn off your sprinkler system by Oct.1st#

When the weather cools, lawns go dormant and need less water. By shutting down irrigation to healthy lawns early in the fall, we can see a big decline in community water use. Remember to hand water trees and other perennials during dry periods throughout the fall and winter to keep them healthy.
Eligible residential Fort Collins Utilities water customers who pledge and turn off their sprinklers will be entered into a drawing to be one of 100 residents who will be randomly selected to receive $50 off their water bills!
Take the pledge and also learn exactly how much water your trees and other perennials need at fcgov.com/off.
More Seasonal Reminders#

LEAVES: It's that time of year again! Soon leaves will start to fall, and we're reminding folks not to rake or blow leaves into the street where they can clog storm drains. Also, burning leaves and other yard waste is not permitted within Fort Collins city limits. There are multiple other ways to dispose of leaves besides putting them in the trash, such as composting, checking with your waste hauler for yard waste curbside collection, or taking them yourself to recycling/composting facilities. Additional solutions for disposing of leaves can be found here.
ELECTRICITY PEAK HOURS CHANGE: Starting October 1st and running through April 30th, peak electricity hours will be from 5:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m., weekdays only. Off-peak hour rates, which are significantly less costly, will be any time outside of those four hours, and all day weekends and major holidays. For more information on rates, click here.
"FALL BEHIND"--CHANGE YOUR CLOCK: Not everybody's favorite time change with shorter daylight in the evenings, but clocks will “fall back” one hour at 2 a.m. on Sunday, November 5th (or just set yours back Saturday night, November 4th, before bed).
Changes Coming to Adopt A Neighbor Program#

The Adopt A Neighbor Program is undergoing some changes due to staffing levels and to improve customer service. Some form of volunteer matching for snow shoveling and lawn care will continue in the future but other assistance may not. New volunteer matching for the winter snow shoveling season is currently paused. City Staff is working on volunteer matching and notification for previous participants in the program now, but we are understaffed for this program, so please be patient with the process. All volunteer matching will resume and more information will be available in October 2023.
Mobile Home Park Corner#

DIY Workshops: Neighborhood Services had received a grant from AARP to host "Do It Yourself" home maintenance workshops for mobile home residents. Many people who move into mobile homes may not be familiar with maintenance issues that may be different than those for standard site-built homes. By empowering residents will DIY skills, they'll know when they can handle a maintenance issue themselves (thereby saving money) and when it's best to call in a professional. The DIY workshops have focused on three mobile home parks in Fort Collins, and City staff have received much positive feedback from residents who had participated.
Resources for Mobile Home Residents: This handbook, created by volunteers from the Partnership for Age-Friendly Communities (funded through an AARP grant) provides resources for a variety of services offered by nonprofits and government agencies. Mobile Home Resource Handbook
Communications Workshop "Listening to Lead"#

Communication and leadership are two key elements of neighborhood community building. Neighborhood Services' Mediation & Restorative Justice wants to announce an exciting new partnership with our City’s Next Level Neighborhoods program. NLN Leaders collaborate with their neighbors to choose and complete activities and projects to build a sense of community, strengthen neighborhood resilience, and promote civic engagement.
For the first time, we are offering a 90-minute communication workshop called “Listening to Lead.” We know that good leaders need good communication skills, and that is exactly what this workshop offers! This will prepare participants to strengthen neighbor relationships by:
- Learning to listen for needs in conversations
- Identifying and affirming neighbors' strengths
- Uprooting assumptions and practice curiosity in communication
- Reframing challenging behaviors to increase understanding among people
And, these workshops will be available to our general Fort Collins community members beginning in the winter of 2023! Stay tuned for upcoming dates. Folks who are interested can reach out to Dana Henderson, Public Engagement Specialist, at (970) 657-5298 or dahenderson@fcgov.com.
Be in the Know!#

Want to keep yourself, friends and neighbors informed about happenings around town? Here are several ways to get updates on City activities and fun events in the area. Click on the topics below to find the plethora of options available.

Summer is finally here after our unusually long and wet spring. Check out the plethora of useful info in our newsletter, and test your Fort Collins knowledge with this trivia question: What was the first name of Colorado State University? Answer at the end of the newsletter.
- Mini-Grants Third Round Opening Soon, Neighborhood Night Out August 1st
- Fireworks at City Park, Not in Neighborhoods
- Do You Stop for Stop Signs?
- Be in the Know
- Wait to Recreate! Poudre River & Water Safety Tips
- Public Nuisance Ordinance Update
- Trivia Question Answer
Mini-Grants Third Round Opening Soon, Neighborhood Night Out August 1st#

Applications for round 3 of the Neighborhood Mini-Grant program will be opening soon on July 1st, so get together with your neighbors and start planning your projects & events! This application is open until August 15th, and is meant for projects/events happening September-December. These grant funds are open to residents, residents associations, HOAs, and nonprofits within Fort Collins City boundaries. For more information about the program, visit our Neighborhood Grants Page.
Neighborhood Night Out is just around the corner! Neighborhood Night Out is an opportunity to celebrate some of the special things that makes Fort Collins such a great place to live - your neighbors and community! Neighborhood Night Out is typically held on the first Tuesday night of August each year, and this year's event is Tuesday, August 1st. If you want to get together with your neighbors and throw a celebration of your own, you can learn more about Neighborhood Night Out on our info page.
As an added incentive, the first 100 Neighborhood Night Out events registered with the City of Fort Collins Neighborhood Services will receive a $25 gift card for their event needs, so sign up soon! Registration deadline is July 1st.
Fireworks at City Park, Not in Neighborhoods#
We'll be having great events to celebrate Independence Day this year and an awesome fireworks display at City Park that evening. But, other than the City Park event, ALL fireworks, including sparklers and snakes, are illegal to sell, possess, or use in the City of Fort Collins. City Council passed the ordinance with the health and safety of the community in mind. Fireworks cause injuries and fires, and each year, Poudre Fire Authority responds to multiple fires caused by fireworks. Plus the intense noise can be hard on pets and those sensitive to loud sounds, especially late at night. To read more about the safety concerns and regulations, click here.
As for events that day, including the colorful and festive parade and lots of family-friendly activities, click the link below for details.
Do You Stop at Stop Signs?#

As drivers, we all know that stop signs and red lights mean...STOP! But there was a law enacted last year that alters rules at intersections for bicyclists and folks using e-scooters.
The Colorado Safety Stop gives people on bikes and e-scooters the legal option to ride slowly through stop signs without stopping first, if they are yielding right of way to pedestrians and other road users who have the right-of-way. Bicyclists and e-scooterists may also proceed at red lights after coming to a complete stop, if there is no oncoming traffic. They can approach intersections at a reasonable speed and choose to apply the Safety Stop or continue to perform a traditional stop at both stop signs and red lights. Only bicyclists ages 15 and over may perform the Safety Stop. Younger riders may do so when they are with a parent or legal guardian.
Interested in more information on this bill, or about when you should consider doing the Colorado Safety Stop and when you shouldn't? Check it out at FC Moves.
Be in the Know!#

Want to keep yourself, friends and neighbors informed about happenings around town? Here are several ways to get updates on City activities and fun events in the area. Click on the topics below to find the plethora of options available.
Wait to Recreate! Poudre River & Water Safety Tips#
Poudre Fire Authority has been involved in two river rescues already this season. One kayaker, believed to have been in the frigid water for 40 minutes, suffered injuries and hypothermia. In the second, six tubers were separated from their tubes; one became stranded on the far shore and needed a rescue.
The Poudre River is not safe for novice recreation right now. The river is flowing at over 2,300 cfs (cubic feet per second) as of Friday, June 9th. The water is fresh snow melt which means it is icy cold and contains dangerous debris.
The Poudre River is flowing fast, high, and cold. Wait to recreate on the river if you are not an expert with the appropriate equipment. July typically offers safer conditions, but until then, please look to a professional rafting company and ALWAYS wear a life vest when recreating on a river or in open water.
And for additional water safety on land:
- Don't drive through high water ("turn around, don't drown"). Just 12 inches of water can make many vehicles float.
- Keep kids and pets from playing in floodwaters because they may contain snakes, insects, sharp objects, debris, chemicals or raw sewage (ewww!). And only six inches of flowing water can make a person fall.
Public Nuisance Ordinance Revised#
This photo shows a situation that you would certainly not want in your neighborhood.
In late 2022 the City Council voted to enact a new version of the Public Nuisance Ordinance originally adopted in 2000. The new PNO, which is more pragmatic as an enforcement tool, regulates two types of nuisances: (i) a “public nuisance”; and (ii) a “chronic nuisance property.'
Common nuisance activities include:
- civil infractions under the City Code, such as tall weeds and grass, rubbish, and inoperable motor vehicles
- minor misdemeanor violations under the City Code, such as unreasonable noise, bodily waste, and nuisance gatherings
- more serious misdemeanor violations under the City Code, such as resisting arrest, assault, disorderly conduct, and building and fire code violations
- misdemeanors and felonies under State law, such as criminal mischief, assault, harassment, arson, firearms offenses, and drug-related offenses
To learn more about the PNO, click here. If you have a question or want to file a complaint about potential violations, go to our Access Fort Collins site (link below) and click on “Nuisance Reporting” for further information.
Trivia Question Answer#

CSU was established in 1870 as Colorado Agricultural College. It was renamed Colorado State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts (commonly referred to as Colorado A&M) in 1935. In 1957, the Colorado General Assembly approved its current name, Colorado State University.
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