What is the Next Level Neighborhoods Program?#

Next Level Neighborhoods (NLN) is an exciting opportunity to make a positive, lasting impact in your community. Participating neighborhoods select project leaders to steer the program for the year. NLN Leaders collaborate with their neighbors to choose and complete activities and projects to build a sense of community, strengthen neighborhood resilience, and promote civic engagement.
Building off the strong foundations of the Sustainable Neighborhoods and Neighborhood Connections programs, NLN focuses on all areas of leadership development and sustainability to create a meaningful, comprehensive program that is tailored to each neighborhood’s unique personality.
Participating neighborhoods are supported by City staff, a designated neighborhood liaison, and become part of a growing network of NLN’s in Fort Collins. Throughout the year there will be opportunities for collaboration, recognition of achievements, involvement in city initiatives, and project funding. All participating neighborhoods will receive a Next Level Neighborhoods sign to display at their neighborhood entrance and will achieve badges throughout the year for completing activities.
¿Qué es el programa de "Next Level Neighborhoods"?
Next Level Neighborhoods (NLN) es una emocionante oportunidad para lograr un impacto positivo y duradero en su comunidad. Los líderes de la NLN colaboran con sus vecinos para llevar a cabo actividades que construyan un sentido de comunidad, fortalezcan la resistencia del vecindario y promuevan el compromiso cívico.
Partiendo de las sólidas bases de los programas Vecindarios Sostenibles y Conexiones Vecinales (Sustainable Neighborhoods and Neighborhood Connections), NLN se centra en tres pilares de la sostenibilidad (medioambiental, social y económico) para crear un programa significativo e integral que se puede adaptar totalmente a la personalidad única de cada vecindario.
Los vecindarios participantes contarán con el apoyo del personal de la ciudad y formarán parte de una red creciente de NLN en Fort Collins. A lo largo del año habrá oportunidades de colaboración, reconocimiento de logros, participación en iniciativas de la ciudad y financiación de proyectos. Todos los vecindarios participantes recibirán un póster de Next Level Neighborhoods para exhibirlo en la entrada de su vecindario y conseguirán insignias a lo largo del año por haber completado actividades.
What kinds of activities could my neighborhood complete?#

The activities you plan and complete in your neighborhoods are what Next Level Neighborhoods is all about! From book clubs to community gardens, block parties to educational presentations, there is no limit to the creative and impactful ways you can build community and make a difference in your neighborhood.
Activities fall into one or more of the three categories of Sustainability:
- Environmental Sustainability activities may focus on conservation, ecological health, and climate resilience.
- Social Sustainability includes activities that build community, involve volunteerism or social safety net projects, advance equity, or improve livability.
- Community Capital activities will promote the neighborhood-level economy; not just small business support, but non-monetary exchanges of services, expertise, and goods among neighbors, as well as professional development for residents.
Neighborhoods are encouraged to plan and complete activities that support their goals and fit their neighborhood’s unique culture.

¿Qué tipo de actividades podría realizar mi vecindario?
Las actividades que planean y completan en sus vecindarios son el objetivo de Next Level Neighborhoods. Desde los clubes de lectura hasta los jardines comunitarios, pasando por las fiestas de vecindario y las presentaciones educativas, no hay límite para las formas creativas e impactantes de construir una comunidad y marcar la diferencia en su vecindario.
Las actividades pertenecen a una o varias de las tres categorías de sustentabilidad:
- Las actividades de Sustentabilidad medioambiental pueden centrarse en la conservación, la salud ecológica y la resistencia al clima tanto en entornos humanos como no humanos.
- La Sustentabilidad social incluye actividades que construyen la comunidad, implican el voluntariado o proyectos de la red de seguridad social, promueven la equidad o mejoran la habitabilidad.
- Las actividades de Capital comunitario promoverán la economía del vecindario; no sólo el apoyo a las pequeñas empresas, sino los intercambios no monetarios de servicios, conocimientos y bienes entre los vecinos, así como el desarrollo profesional de los residentes y la mejora de las infraestructuras.
Se anima a los vecindarios a planear y realizar actividades que apoyen sus objetivos y se ajusten a la cultura única de su vecindario.
How can I participate?#
We will recruit new neighborhoods to the program every other year. Look out for application information in 2025!
Alta Vista#
Hampshire Square#
Harmony Village#
Maple Hill#
Oakridge 8#
The Oakridge 8 neighborhood has been participating since 2019, when they began as a member of the Sustainable Neighborhoods pilot.
Favorite Activity:
Observatory Village#
Parkwood East#
The Parkwood East neighborhood has been participating since 2019, when they began as a member of the Sustainable Neighborhoods pilot.
Favorite Activity:
Warren Lake#
The Warren Lake neighborhood has been participating since 2019, when they began as a member of the Sustainable Neighborhoods pilot.
Favorite Activity:
- Activity Proposal Form: Use this to submit your planned activities for your neighborhood.
- NLN Program Guide: This guide covers everything you need to know about the program, including an Engage guide, activity ideas, and program requirements.
- Engage Overview Video: A video introduction to using Engage, not specific to NLN.
- Engage Help Guide: An introduction to using Engage, not specific to NLN.