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2019 Water, Sanitary Sewer, Stormwater Infrastructure Improvements#

Utilities construction and maintenance crews will continue to replace and make improvements to aging water, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure. This annual pipe replacement program is coordinated with the Streets Maintenance Program (SMP) schedule for efficiency, cost effectiveness and reduced neighborhood impacts. 

From January to December, Utilities crews will construct:

  • 10 water line projects, totaling 8,400 feet of 6- and 8-inch diameter pipe.
  • 6 stormwater pipe projects, totaling 4,600 feet and two river bank repair projects.
  • 12 wastewater (sanitary sewer) projects, totaling 7,500 feet of 6-inch diameter pipe.

View project map.

Did You Know?

Installing high-efficiency refrigeration equipment at your business, such as zero-energy doors and anti-sweat heater controls (rebates available), can save money.

Using a microwave oven for warming, reheating or cooking food uses less energy than an electric oven.

LED light bulbs use 75% less electricity than traditional incandescent light bulbs.