Stormwater Alerts and Emergencies#
Current Flooding Information#
No flooding has been reported at this time.
Note: This webpage is not automated and will be updated as we receive information. If you see or experience flooding, get to a safe area and then call to report it.
Report Flooding or Storm Drain Issues#
Call 970-221-6700 (24 hours, 7 days a week) to report:
- Flooding
- Blocked storm drains
- Spills or dumping down storm drains
Call 911 to report illegal dumping or spills that are potentially life-threatening or hazardous to the environment.
Real-time information on rainfall, stormwater run-off and weather conditions.
Know How to Protect Your Property and Family#
- Prepare for flooding by purchasing flood insurance, making an emergency plan and documenting your belongings. Also be sure to sign up for emergency messages at
- During a flood, do not drive or walk through floodwater and listen for emergency updates.
- After flooding comes through your area, check for structural damage to your building and then contact your insurance agent to file a flood insurance claim, if needed.
Did You Know?
Stormwater pollution is the number one cause of water pollution in the country, and you can help prevent it.
Cleaning your dryer filter regularly prevents lint build ups that can reduce airflow resulting in clothes not drying completely.
There is no poop fairy. Pick up after your pet to help prevent stormwater pollution.