Be Aware of Scams#
We encourage customers to be on the lookout for people claiming to represent Fort Collins Utilities. Unfortunately, there are many scams out there that try to trick utility customers into providing payment in order to prevent service disconnection, allowing scammers inside their home or business, or giving away personal information.
Types of Scams#
Someone calling or coming to your door claiming your bill is past due and that power or water will be shut off unless payment is made immediately.
- Customers should never make payments or give personal or financial information to unsolicited visitors or callers. If you are called or approached, verify the validity of the information by calling our customer service representatives at 970-212-2900.
People going door-to-door to set up efficiency assessments or sell solar.
- Epic Homes and Efficiency Works Homes will never contact you door-to-door to schedule an assessment. If you're approached by someone about scheduling an assessment or participating in the program, ask for identification and call 877-981-1888 to verify the information. You may also report the incident to 970-416-4239 or
- People calling to claim meter malfunction.
Our Commitment#
- Utilities representatives will never call or visit your home or business to solicit payment.
- Fort Collins Utilities no longer makes outbound "courtesy" calls to customers with past-due accounts.
- Disconnection notices are mailed and/or emailed (if you have an email address on file with Utilities).
- Past due balances are clearly marked on utility bills.
- Payments can be made online, by calling 970-212-2900 or at 222 Laporte Ave.
Take Action Against Scammers#
Never make payments or give personal or financial information to unsolicited visitors or callers.
If you are suspicious of someone coming to your door or a phone call, report the incident to Fort Collins Police (970-221-6540) and Fort Collins Utilities (970-212-2900) as soon as possible.
- For phone calls: make note of the originating phone number, date, time and any other relevant details to include in your report.
- For door-to-door interactions: ask for identification and note the company and any other identifying marks on their apparel or vehicle, in addition to the date, time and relevant details.
Fort Collins Police also recommend reporting the incident to the Federal Trade Commission.
Protect Your Identity#
Identity theft is becoming one of the fastest growing crimes. Last year, the Federal Trade Commission received over 12,157,400 complaints of identity theft. Despite your best efforts to manage your personal information, skilled identity thieves may still gain access to your personal data.
Did You Know?
Opening curtains and shades during the winter can help the sun warm your home.
You can save approximately 50¢ per load by drying your laundry during off-peak hours.
Algal blooms appear in waterbodies under certain environmental conditions. Mid-summer through early fall is when they most commonly occur.