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Sink Drain


The wastewater collection system (sanitary sewer) is a network of underground pipes that collects wastewater from homes, businesses and industries, carrying the waste to one of two water reclamation facilities.

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Water Reclamation

The water reclamation facilities, staffed by state-certified operators, use an array of physical, biological and chemical processes to treat wastewater (sewage).

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Utility Bill


Wastewater rates include both fixed and variable charges. Learn how your rate is calculated.

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Build and Develop#

Building under construction

Learn more about building and development requirements.


Did You Know?

Visual indicators of algal blooms in waterbodies often include: surface scum, foam, floating algae mats, off-colors and/or the presence of dead fish.

You can prevent clogs and expensive repairs by only flushing the three Ps: pee, poo and toilet paper.

Closing windows during summer days keeps cool air inside.